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FIT5152 Usability - SSB 2023


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FIT5152 Usability - SSB 2023

Submission 1 - Data Gathering and User Analysis (20%, Individual and Group Work)


There are two parts to this assignment:

Part 1: Questionnaire and Data Analysis

Part 2: Personas and User Stories

Part 1: Questionnaire and Data Analysis (GROUP TASK 10%)

Before you start developing an application, you need to establish who your target users are. To do this, you will develop a questionnaire and distribute it to some potential users in order to gather data.

Your deliverables for this task are:

1. A rationale about your chosen target user group (1 paragraph):

Think about the kinds of people who might respond and might use the app, this      should help guide the kinds of questions you ask in the next Questionnaire section.

Who you are dealing with: for instance Parents? Active people? Older people? People living with a disability (e.g. low vision, deaf)? People whose first language is not English?

■    Note: You need to be specific about your user group; for instance, the group of healthcare workers’ is quite broad, you need to narrow it       down to a specific sub-group, e.g. city workers, rural workers, medical staff, administrative workers, etc.

What is their age range?

Where do they live?

Do they work - full time, part-time, casual?


2. A questionnaire with 12 - 15 questions (12 minimum - 15 maximum)

Think about who is doing your questionnaire, and what you want to know about them. Do not collect any personally identifiable information (e.g. names, contact information).

○    Demographic questions are additional to the 12 required questions; i.e. you  will include a number of demographic questions (to be decided by the group) plus 12 usability-focused questions that allow you to assess aspects of the   usability of the application.

■    By usability-focused questions, we mean questions that would gather data about things that help you understand your users, their habits, their behaviour, their background, so that you can use that information to develop a solution.

Make sure your questions gather data about different aspects of the domain.

■   Your questionnaire should not be distributed to university students only! You want to get a sense of all kinds of users who may use your app, so try to give your questionnaire to people in as many different demographics as possible (within your chosen target group); e.g. if   you chose city workers as your target group, then make sure you get respondents within different age ranges, different genders, different  dietary preferences, etc.

■    Limiting your questionnaire distribution to only one type of respondents will hinder the usability of your application.

Use different types of questions and briefly justify your selections.

○    Provide information about how you distributed the questionnaire and how participants were recruited.

○    Questionnaires can be distributed online; you can use tools such as Google Forms to send it to users.

There is no page limit for questions but remember, quality over quantity!

3. Collected questionnaire responses (minimum 10 participants per group member) and analysis

Give your questionnaire to people, and collect some data. Do some analysis of that data – what have you learned about your users?

○    Make sure you have a good sample in terms of demographics and background.

○   The analysis in this section needs to be focused on identifying and understanding any patterns that have emerged from the responses, so make sure your analysis is reflective. Summarising the results or just creating charts/graphs alone is not sufficient. Discuss the following:  What do these    patterns mean? What have you found out about your users? How will these  patterns guide the design of our app?

The analysis/reflection for the group part should be around 2 pages.

Part 2: Personas and User stories (INDIVIDUAL TASK 10%)

Individually, based on the results of the group data collection and the chosen target group, develop personas and user stories for them, and identify new requirements.

Your deliverables for this task are:

1. 2 user personas

Based on your questionnaires’ responses, group your users and create personas for their representative archetypes.

○   You must create high-fidelity personas (use any template shown in lectures/tutorials).

○   You need to make sure your two personas are diverse and capture a range of different skills and experiences.

○   The personas should be connected with the data you collected and the analysis from the individual part.

The personas should include information that supports empathising in design.

The personas should provide information about challenges that users face.

2. 5 user stories

Produce functional user stories tied to your personas, based on your data collection and research. Prioritise those stories with MoSCoW and justify.

○   Your user stories should identify users’ needs, desires and reasons following 'As a , I want  so that ' format.

○   The user stories must be different to one another, they have to describe different scenarios.

3. 2 additional requirements

Provide 2 requirements in addition to the ones mentioned in the Project Brief. The      new requirements should link to your discussion and findings from the group analysis of your users, as well as aspects of your personas/user stories and individual analysis/reflection (see below).

4. Individual Analysis/Reflection

○   Analyse your requirements, personas and user stories, how they link to the data collected (as described in the points above)

Provide clear justifications for your decisions.

○   The analysis for this individual part should be of 1 page maximum (excluding images).

Format of the deliverables:

-     Consider how you would present your materials to a potential client. Your submission should include (at the minimum) a title page, table of contents, introduction and conclusion.

-     Quality over quantity! Make sure your responses to assessment questions demonstrate thoughtful application of theory and processes.

Submission Guidelines

Only one member of the group should make the submission. The submission will contain

the individual tasks and the group tasks (put your name and student ID on the individual

sections). Compile all your documents into a single PDF document and submit your

assignment stage through Turnitin. Please include your groups Task Allocation Form in

the appendix of your document.

You MUST also submit your report to Turnitin that is included in the submission link.

The name of the report file should follow this format: FIT5152Sub1-TuteXGroupX A task allocation form and a peer evaluation will be completed by team members for the submission. This allows each team member and the teaching team to analyse team performance and contribution in group tasks.

Submission Due Date

This assignment is due at 11.55pm, Friday 13th January (Week 2).

Late Submissions

Late assignments will not be accepted unless you submit an extension or a special consideration request, and provide valid documentation such as a medical certificate prior to the submission deadline, or no more than 2 days after the deadline. Otherwise, there will be a 10% penalty per day including the weekends.

Plagiarism - PLEASE NOTE.

Before submitting your assignment, please make sure that you have not breached the University plagiarism and cheating policy. It is the student's responsibility to make themselves familiar with the contents of these documents.

Please also note the following from the Plagiarism Procedures of Monash, available at http://www.policy.monash.edu/policy-bank/academic/education/conduct/plagiarism-procedur es.html

Plagiarism occurs when students fail to acknowledge that the ideas of others are being used. Specifically it occurs when:

●    other people’s work and/or ideas are paraphrased and presented without a reference;

other studentswork is copied or partly copied;

other peoples designs, codes or images are presented as the students own work;

Lecture notes are reproduced without due acknowledgement.