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ECON30001 Advanced Microeconomics


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ECON30001 Advanced Microeconomics

Final Assessment, Semester 1 2021/22

Question 1 (15 marks).

a)ConsiderasetofmonetaryoutcomesX = {x1 , … , xK }wheretheoutcomesarearranged in increasing order x1  < … < xK . Let p and q be simple lotteries. We say that lottery p rst-order stochastically dominates lottery q, if the following holds:

p(xj ) >  q(xj )    for all i = 1, … K,

with at least one of the inequalities being strict. Explain the intuition of first-order stochas- tic dominance. Show that, for expected utility preferences with vNM utility u that is strictly increasing in money, if p rst-order stochastically dominates q then p > q.

b) Consider the following decision problems:

Decision 1: Choose between


A. A sure gain of £240.


B. A 25% chance to gain £1000, and a 75% chance to gain nothing.

Decision 2: Choose between


C. A sure loss of £750.


D. A 75% chance to lose £1000, and a 25% chance to lose nothing.

The lotteries in each decision are independent. When people are offered both decisions, and it is explained they will receive both of their choices, it has been found that most people choose A and D, so receive A + D. Discuss why such preferences might occur. Compare this pair of choices with the other possible pairs and discuss.

Question 2 (15 marks).

a) For each bargaining game  a solution concept  selects an alternative ()  ∈  . If the solution concept selects alternative () = (1 (),  2 ()), then player 1 receives utility 1 () and player 2 receives utility 2 (). Suppose that a solution concept  satisfies “Property A”:

Property A: For bargaining games,  and T, if    T then  1 () ⩽   1 (T) and  2 ()  2 (T)

Discuss Property A and prove / disprove if the Nash solution satisfies this property.

b) Two players, both with zero wealth, bargain over how to divide £X > 0 between them. Failure to reach agreement means both get nothing. Both players are expected utility max- imisers. Player 1 has utility u(x) = xa , where 0 < a < 1. Player 2 has utility u(x) = xp , where 0 < p < 1. Determine the Nash solution for this problem and discuss.

Question 3 (20 marks). A firm’s revenue R is stochastically related to the effort exerted

by its employee. Effort is a continuous variable.  The employee can choose any level of

eort e ∈ [0, ∞). The choice of effort affects revenue so that:

E(R"e) = e   and   Var(R"e) = 1

where E(R"e) and Var(R"e) denote the expected value and variance, respectively, of rev- enue when the employee exerts effort level e. The employer cannot observe the level of

effort exerted by the employee. The employer wants to design a wage contract w based on the revenue and considers only contracts of the form:

w = a + pR,

and so the employee is guaranteed a payment a and then a bonus payment pR which de- pends on revenue. The employee is a risk-averse expected utility maximiser. A contract w gives expected utility:

Eu(w"e) = E(w"e) − pVar(w"e) − c(e)

where E(w"e) and Var(w"e) denote the expected value and variance of the contract, re- spectively, conditional on effort e, p is a parameter of risk aversion, and c(e) denotes the disutility of effort. For this employee, c(e) = e2 . If the employee rejects the contract, they

receive reservation utility of zero.

Explain how the employer can implement a level of effort e.

Show that the optimal contract has the property that the bonus payment decreases with the level of risk aversion.

Note that for a random variable X and constants a and b we have , Var(aX) = a2 Var(X), Var(X + b) = Var(X), E(aX) = aE(X) and E(X + b) = E(X) + b.