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Overview and files Project 2


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Overview and files

Project 2

This project covers the material discussed in Lectures 1 to 9. The project has eight parts. Parts 1 to 4 require the topics discussed in Lectures 1 to 7. Parts 5 to 8 require the topics discussed in Lectures 1 to 9.

ED Lessons

|__ 3: Lectures

|   |__ 1: Financial analysis with Python...

|   |__ 2: Python: The building blocks

|   |__ ...

|   |__ 7: Working with time-series      <- Material required for Parts 1 to 4 ends here

|   |__ 8: Event studies in Finance      

|   |__ 9: Doing more with Pandas        <- Material required for Parts 5 to 8 ends here

|   |__ ...

You can start the project right way but to complete parts 5 to 8 you will need the material we will cover in class during Week 9 (i.e., Lecs 8, 9).

1. Follow the instructions provided to complete and submit your assessment.

o Detailed instructions can be found in the Project description slide

2. All the files required to complete this project are included in the project2.zip file below.

3. Once you complete the project, go to the Submit your codes here slide here to submit your code.