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MATH 273 Life Insurance Mathematics I 2020-2021


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MATH 273

Life Insurance Mathematics I

1.  Given

S0 (x) = exp(-0.0007x1.5 )

(i) Write the expression for f0 (x), simplifying as far as possible.     [3 marks]

(ii) Write the expression for µz , simplifying as far as possible.         [3 marks]

(iii)  State with reasons whether or not S0 (x) defines a survival function. [4 marks]

2. Let Z be the present value of a benefit of f30,000 payable immediately on the death of (40) if death occurs before age 65 and f20,000 if death occurs after age 65.

(i) Write down the expression of Z in terms of the continuous random vari- able T40 .     [3 marks]

(ii) Write down in an integral form the formula for the expected value of Z . [3 marks]

(iii) Derive an expression in terms of standard actuarial symbols for the expected value of Z .                         [3 marks]

3. A life insurance company issued a deferred annuity contract to a man aged 40 exact. The annuity will be of amount f10,000 per year payable annually in advance and commencing on his 65th birthday if he is alive. The policy had a sum assured of f50,000 payable immediately on death during the deferment period, i.e.  before age 65.  Level premiums are payable monthly in advance

throughout the deferment period or until earlier death.                Calculate the monthly premium using the following assumptions:

. Mortality basis: AM92 Ultimate.

. Interest: 4% per year.

. Initial expenses: 10% of the rst monthly premium

. Renewal commission: 1.5% of each monthly premium payable excluding the first.

.  Other expenses: f100 on payment of the death benefit. [12 marks]

4.  On  1 January 2017 a life office issued  1,000 identical  10-year endowment insurance to individuals aged 55 exact. The sum insured is f20,000 on death and f5,000 on survival to age 65. Level premiums of f526 are paid annually in advance.

The premium and policy values are calculated using the AM92 Ultimate tables and assuming an annual interest rate of 4%.

(i)  Show that the annual premium (to the nearest pound) is f526. [4 marks]

(ii)  Calculate the policy value at t = 2. Explain the meaning of this policy value in your own words.   [4 marks]

(iii) Using the recursive formula of the policy values, calculate the policy

value at t = 3.                    [3 marks]

(iv) During the calendar year 2019 there are 980 policies still in force. During the following year there were two further deaths and the rate of interest earned on assets was 1%. Calculate the profit or loss from mortality and interest in the year.                                   [4 marks]

(v)  Just before the fourth premium is due the policyholder requests that all future premiums, including the fourth, be reduced to f450.  Calculate the revised sum insured if the maturity benefit is still f5,000 on survival to age 65. Assume there is no extra penalty for making the change. [4 marks]