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MM9278/CHEM5601 November 2022: CW3 Sustainability


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MM9278/CHEM5601 November 2022: CW3 Sustainability

The following information provides the coursework component for this part of the module. Please ensure you have read the comments at the bottom of this document regarding the relationship with lecture content material, and what is required, before you begin.

You should go to a store/supermarket, look online or around your home, and identify one  consumer product (e.g. toiletries, shampoos, conditioners, soaps, hair care/dyes, cleaning products, clothing etc.) that you are particularly interested in.

Carefully choose one of the key chemical ingredients / components in the product you have selected (which could include packaging). Ensure you choose your ingredient carefully so you are able to find a substantial amount of new material that you can include in your answer.

You should then answer the following:

1. Provide basic details of your ingredient including: name, chemical structure, chemical and physical properties of the pure ingredient (e.g. from relevant specification and/or safety data sheets), and chemical hazards. Hence discuss the likely role of the ingredient and explain how the key chemical and/or physical properties are responsible for the effects required. 30 marks

2. Discuss (up to 1000 words) the life cycle and environmental sustainability aspects of the  ingredient you have chosen, including likely origin, preparative route, scale of manufacture,  any important issues associated with use (e.g. renewable or petrochemical, hazards, energy use), recycling, disposal and end of life.

Find out as much information as you can about this ingredient from a variety of sources. Wherever possible you should use the sources of information given in the lectures e.g. the   ECHA website, CosIng database, EU Cosmetics Directive, US EPA, chemical suppliers, and other sources such as books, journals, and credible websites.

Whilst some background material will have been covered in lectures, it is expected that the majority of material you discuss will be from independent research using techniques and sources covered in lectures.

Chemicals already discussed in detail in lectures (e.g. bioethanol, glycerol, lactic acid, polylactic acid, biodiesel) should not be chosen, and will be given only very limited credit. Please email Prof. Rayner ([email protected]) if you are unsure whether your choice is suitable or not.

Please ensure that if you include product sustainability claims, that you include sources of the information. Use your judgement as to the accuracy of any claims and discuss their relevance i.e. are they from reliable sources, or is there any reason to suspect there may be potential bias or inaccuracy? 50 marks

3. Summarise the key life cycle aspects for the ingredient you have chosen in a cradle to grave flow diagram.

In the past students have asked for advice on how to do this. It could for example, involve something like a combination of the MacArthur circular economy flow diagram (Unit 1d), with the flow diagram for the biodiesel LCA study. However the most important thing is for you to think how you think you can best summarise the key lifecycle aspects of the product as clearly as you can. Feel free to use pictures and diagrams (but include reference if not your own - but why not make your own?) alongside relevant text, and whatever you want to make it engaging. 20 marks

The work should be word processed, include good quality diagrams where required, and finish with a list of sources (books, journals, web sites) using the Leeds numeric style formatting.

Usual requirements regarding plagiarism apply; this should be your own work, and sources of information and diagrams should be acknowledged.