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FIT1050 Web Fundamentals Assignment 2


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FIT1050 Web Fundamentals

November Teaching Period 2022

Assignment 2 (30%, group assessment)

Website Mockup and Report: Local Sports Club Website Redesign

Working in small groups, create a set of mockup images of a proposed website redesign for a local sports club. Write a report about your redesign, providing theory-based justifications for the most important content, interface and design features in your mockup image.

Join a Group in Week 5

Attend the week 5 lab class to allocate yourself to a group. Groups will have 3 members.

The number group members dictates the number of pages in the website that need to be redesigned. Students cannot undertake this assignment as an individual assessment task.

Choose a Local Sports Club Website

The redesign must be for a real local sports club - a website that allows members of a community to participate in a specific sports activity and stay up to date with relevant news.

Find a site that would benet from a redesign! The sports club must already have a website. The current site should have enough content to support a redesign. If you can identify 10 things that you think could be improved, it may be a good choice.

●   Local             Located in the same city/state/province as one of your group members.

●   Sports           Competitive and recreational, skill-based physical activity.

●   Club              A group of people that participates in regular organised activities.

If you are having difficulty nding a suitable sports club site to redesign, try using Google Maps (or other map service) to search for different types of sports in your local area.

Decide on a website early and choose carefully. Your tutor will speak to your group during the week 6 lab class to make sure you have selected an appropriate website to redesign.

Researching Your Site Redesign

Your redesign should attempt to solve real problems found in the existing site.

●   Content that is not useful, inappropriate, or missing

●   Visual design and branding that does not suit the business or audience

●   Usability and information architecture problems that make content hard to locate

The most important redesign decisions you make should be supported with appropriate reasoning that takes into consideration:

●   The specific target demographics of the sports club's members.

●   Goals of the sports club as an organisation and its members as website users.

●   Research into competing websites and observation of website design trends.

Recommended Collaborative Mockup Design Tools

Choose a collaborative drawing tool that your group is comfortable working with that will allow all group members to produce clear and presentable designs with relative ease.

   Simple: Office software with collaborative editing

○   Google Slides

○   Microsoft PowerPoint

   Advanced: Collaborative user interface design apps

○   Figma.com

○   Penpot.app

Group members are responsible for learning how to use the group's chosen tool, including collaborative editing and PDF export features required for this assignment.

Website Redesign Guidelines

The number of pages being redesigned is equal to the number of group members. One of

the pages included in the redesign must be the website's homepage.

A group with 3 members must redesign a total of 3 pages in the website:

●   The site's homepage.

●   Any 2 other pages in the site.

The redesign must be in the form of a high-fidelity mockup – not a low-fidelity wireframe. Do not write code for a working webpage. No marks are awarded in this assignment for coding.

●   Any site content and design elements can be altered (with justification in the report).

●   Any website features can be removed or added (with justification in the report).

●   Regardless of the site's original language, the mockup must be presented in English.

●   You do not need to implement any interactive clickable navigation.

●   You may use images sourced online as graphic elements in your redesign. All images must be referenced at the end of your group's report.

Report Guidelines

   The report must be between 2000 and 2500 words.

○   Up to 500 words combined for introduction, overall critique and conclusion.

○   About 500 words per mockup image for your redesign justifications.

○   The word count applies to the body of the report and excludes: title page, table of contents, diagrams, references, etc.

●   Provide theory-based or research-based justifications for your design decisions.

   The most important changes made to the site’s content.

○   Significant visual design changes that have been made.

○   Notable changes made to the website's information architecture.

●   Include references as a separate page at the end of the report.

○   References only need to include a title and URL.

Deliverables and Submission

This group assignment requires 1 group member to upload a submission to Moodle.

   Website Redesign Mockup Images

○   Upload your group's mockup images to Moodle as a single PDF le.

○   Each page of the PDF should depict 1 redesigned page of the website.

○   If necessary, you can use an online tool to merge multiple PDF mockups into a single PDF file for submission: https://smallpdf.com/merge-pdf

   Website Redesign Report

○   Upload your group's report to Moodle as a single PDF file.

○   Include references on a separate page at the end of the document.

Blind Marking of Major Assessments

Blind marking is a process where identifying student information is hidden from the marker while they are marking your work. To help facilitate blind marking of your group's work:

●   If your report includes a title page, do not include group member's names.

●   Ensure that the body of your report does not contain group member's names. Please name your files with your assigned group name only:

   GROUP NAME-mockups.pdf

   GROUP NAME-report.pdf