关键词 > Java代写



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This group summative assessment counts 70% towards your module mark. You are to provide a scenario for your assignment. This takes the form of a proposed system by you with all the design description and specification by way of a class diagram. You should provide a clear understanding of your system and its scenario, design class boxes and diagram, and implement the class diagram, and produce the functionality you have listed within the use cases.

You should implement each class to the expected standards as discussed and practiced during the module.

You are required to build a Java application that provides a basis for storing and processing details related to a real-world scenario. You are to work in teams of 4 to 5 members and choose a system to design and develop using object-oriented programming concepts.


The objective of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your ability to design and implement an OO system consisting of a set of Java classes and a client program. In particular:

1. To design and implement classes with suitable fields, constructors, accessor methods, and modifier methods.

2. conform to the standard conventions of Java.

3. Timplement classes that are associated by inheritance, delegation, composition, and aggregation.

4. write a client application that uses your classes to show that they function correctly.


Submit one .zip Archive File called Assignment3_Group_number.zip via Blackboard consisting of your (Eclipse) project folder. Make sure all your source code is in there.


Get yourselves into teams of 3 to 4 members. It is advised that your team members should be from your timetabled Lab session to ease team’s meetings and face-to-face communications.

After you have formed your teams, kindly complete the spreadsheet here Teams Spreadsheet.xlsx by Tuesday 1st November 2022 at noon


As a team, select a system that you all have some experience with. This could be a system that you enjoyed using, had some issues with or felt can be improved in some way. The system must have enough sub-components or sections that each member of the team can work on. No two members of the same team can work on the same sub-component of the system.


The following are the submission deadlines for this coursework







System description


01st Nov 2022 at noon



Initial deliverable


22nd Nov 2022 at noon



Project sprint


Week 10 (from 5th Dec)



Final deliverable


10th Jan 2023 at noon



Weekly journals (starting from week 5)


Every Tuesday at noon


System Description

The team should produce one PDF document stating the

1. Team members with p-number only

2. Title of the project

3. Description of the project

4. The sub-components, brief description of each and the member assigned

5. Use cases and use case diagram

Initial Deliverables

Each team member should produce for the section/sub-component assigned to them the following

1. Class specification for the assigned component

2. Extended UML Class Box

3. Design and implement the class

4. Test ALL constructors and methods in your test class

5. Comprehensive Java documentation of your classes

6. Conform to Java coding conventions, including documentation style and comments.

Project Sprint

You are to meet with your Lab tutor to discuss the progress of your project as a team. The expectation is to

1. Have your draft class diagram showing relationships between the classes of all sub-components

2. Reflection on lessons learnt from 1st deliverable and feedback

3. Any updates to classes to fit into the new class diagram?

Final Deliverable

1. A zipped project file exported directly from Eclipse with .zip extension containing:

a. all classes from all members of the team

b. a single test/demo class testing all the functionalities of system

c. Java docs HTML Files

d. An output.txt file containing the output of the executed project

2. A brief report (1500 words)

a. System specification

b. List of sub-components

c. Complete Use case diagram

d. Complete Class diagram

e. Reflection on the coursework


Giving a general idea of how to achieve a pass, merit, and distinction for this assessment.

· Pass (50 - 59%): Classes without dependencies have been implemented meeting standard basic conventions. At least one Inheritance, one Composition and one Aggregation association have each been attempted. The data model has been populated (probably by hard coding). At least two use-case has been attempted. Basic tasks have been carried out independently during the lab test.

· Merit (60 - 69%):  As for Pass above. Most classes in the design have been implemented to meet standard conventions and documentation standards. Test program has identified the limitations of a class. The data model has been suitably populated. Classes implement appropriate interfaces (e.g., Comparable, Iterable). Use-cases have been simulated with moderate success. Most tasks have been completed in the lab test and successfully demonstrate the essential functionality of the system.

· Distinction(70%+):  As for Merit above. Additionally: a coherent data model has been designed and implemented, with appropriate levels of abstraction. Any additional specified functionality has been added, with creativity beings shown. The integrity of fields has been a consideration and mostly maintained. All use-cases have been implemented with high levels of success. Documentation is at the appropriate level to support maintainable code. All the lab test activities have been completed successfully and demonstrate the correctness and quality of the system.