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IFYEC002 Economics End of Semester 1 Test 2017-18


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IFYEC002 Economics

End of Semester 1 Test


Section A

Answer ALL questions. This section carries 20 marks.

Questions A1 A10: select either A, B, C or D and write your answer in the Answer Booklet provided.

Question A1

The diagram below shows the production possibility frontier for an economy

Capital Goods

Consumer Goods

For the economy, Point Y:

A shows productive efficiency.

B shows allocative efficiency.

C is not available with current factor resources.

D will never be achieved because resources are scarce.

Question A2

All of the following are determinants of price elasticity of demand, except:

A the degree of necessity of the good.

B the number of substitutes.

C the time period.

D the price level.

Question A3

The diagram below shows the demand and supply curve for light bulbs.




What is the most likely cause of the increase in quantity of light bulbs from Q1 – Q2?

A A rise in productivity.

B An increase in the price of electricity .

C An increase in wages of workers in light bulb manufacturing .

D An increase in the price of light bulb components.

Question A4

The basic economic problem explains that:

A there are finite needs and infinite resources.

B there are infinite wants and finite resources.

C there are finite wants and infinite resources.

D all resources are finite.

Question A5

income elasticity of demand of -0.7, it can be deduced that:

A a rise in income of 12% will lead to a fall in quantity demanded of 10%.

B the good is inferior.

C the firm can increase its revenue by increasing the selling price.

D demand will fall by 14% if prices are increased by 20%.

Question A6

and development. The most likely reason for this is:

A the government has intervened to force Apple to spend on research and development .

B to guarantee they do not suffer from diseconomies of scale.

C to raise barriers to entry.

D to ensure their products are homogenous.

Question A7

The following diagram shows the different cost and revenue curves faced by a firm.





Which curve represents a firms short-run average cost curve?

A a

B b

C c

D d

Question A8

From 2016-17, the global price of sugar fell from $0.21 per pound to $0.13 per pound. The most likely reason for this change is:

A A fall in the price of a sugar substitute.

B A rise in demand for products with a high sugar content.

C A rise in the price of land used to grow sugar cane.

D A fall in productivity in the sugar industry.

Question A9

Which of the following is the best example of goods that are in joint demand?

A Printers and printer cartridges.

B Fish and pork.

C Wheat and straw.

D Beef and milk.

Question A10

Which of the following is the best explanation of the term marginal product?

A Total output when all factors of production are fixed.

B Fixed costs + variable costs + total output.

C The output that results from the employment of one extra unit of a factor of production .

D The fall in output that occurs as costs begin to rise.

Question A11

Read the following article, and answer the questions that follow.

Not vaccinating your own baby leads to the death of another

In the past year, 34 people have died after contracting measles in Romania.

More than 9,233 cases have been recorded in the current outbreak. Doctors argue that diseases such as measles can be prevented if children are given appropriate vaccines at an early age. The measles vaccine is commonly taken together with vaccines for the other common diseases of mumps and rubella and this combined vaccine is known as MMR. Doctors have said that overall society  will  benefit  if  more  people  have  the  MMR  vaccine,  and  have campaigned for it to be made compulsory.

Now, a law of compulsory vaccination” is under public debate in Romania and, if adopted, it would make vaccination mandatory for kindergarten or school enrolment.

Meanwhile, parents in France will be legally obliged to vaccinate their children from 2018, the government has announced.

Source: Euronews.com and The Independent (adapted extracts)

b)       With the aid of a diagram, demonstrate how positive externalities can arise through the production of vaccines.

c)       Explain ONE negative externality that might arise if people do not get their children vaccinated.

d)       Explain clearly ONE policy that might be used to increase the consumption of merit goods such as vaccines.

Section B

Answer 1 question. This section carries 30 marks.

You must answer 1 complete question.

Each question has two parts, a) and b) .  Both parts must be answered for the

question you choose .

For all questions, you may use diagrams to help illustrate your answer.

Question B1

a)   Describe, using examples, the different types of merger that exist AND the difference between a merger and a takeover.

b)   In 2010, two leading airlines, British Airways and Iberia agreed to merge to form Europe’s biggest airline. To what extent do you agree that this type of activity always benefits consumers?

Question B2

a)   Explain  carefully, using diagrams and  examples  as  appropriate  the concept of positive and negative externalities.

b)   The government in Germany has given a large number of subsidies to encourage  the production  and  consumption  of  alternative  energy sources, such as solar power. To what extent do you agree that such a policy will be effective in reducing the negative externalities associated with the burning of fuels, such as oil, gas and coal?

Question B3

a)   Explain how market forces determine the price of goods and services AND show on a diagram the concepts of consumer and producer surplus.

b)   The  volatile  nature of food markets often leads to government intervention to help stabilise the price. To what extent do you agree that government intervention is desirable?