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Programming Assignment 02 Spring 2022


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Introduction to Computer Programming

Spring 2022

Programming Assignment 02



This programming assignment consists of 2 programming exercises.

You have to:

1.  create Python files on your computer (be careful of filenames)

2.  edit them according to the assignment

3.  verify on your computer that it works (run them and check the ouput in the shell)

4.  upload the files to Gradescope (upload directly the .py files, not a .zip file)

5.  check the autograder report on Gradescope

6. go back to step 2 if necessary


The autograder will evaluate your code for a few testcases.   If some testcases fail, the autograder should show you what is your code output, and what is the expected output.


The use of concepts that were not yet covered in class yet is prohibited.  You cannot use  for  loops, lists, functions, …

Exercise 1 -   Which full moon?

There are (at least) three special types of full moons:

•  Super Moon: the full moon occurs when the moon is at its closest approach to earth (less than 230,000 km away).

• Blue Moon: the second full moon in a calendar month.  In other words, any full moon on the 29th , 30th , or 31st  of a month.

• Blood Moon: a lunar eclipse during a full moon.

Write a program (in the file exercise1 .py) that ask the user to answer questions and that will print out the type of moon – ”Full Moon”, ”Super Moon”, ”Blue Moon”, ”Blood Moon”, based on the values of the variables below.  Note that for the moon to be any of these special kinds of moons, it must also be full.

phase = "Full"

distance  = 228000

date  = 1

eclipse  = False

Note, though, that multiple modifiers can be true at the same time.  We could have a Super Blue Moon, a Blue Blood Moon, or even a Super Blue Blood Moon. Always print those modifiers in that order. If any of these special modifiers is present, do not include the word ”Full”. If none of them are present, but the moon is Full, then print ”Full Moon”. If none of them are present at all, print ”Moon”.

Sample example 1 (the user input is in red, the printed output is in blue):

Is  the moon  full?  If  yes  enter  Full  if no  enter  No:  Full

Enter  the  distance  of  the moon  from  the  earth:  230000

Enter  the  date  of  the  month:  1

Is  there  an  eclipse?  Enter  True  for  yes  and  False  for  no:  False

Full Moon

Sample example 2:

Is  the moon  full?  If  yes  enter  Full  if no  enter  No:  No

Enter  the  distance  of  the moon  from  the  earth:  240000

Enter  the  date  of  the  month:  8

Is  there  an  eclipse?  Enter  True  for  yes  and  False  for  no:  False


Sample example 3:

Is  the moon  full?  If  yes  enter  Full  if no  enter  No:  Full

Enter  the  distance  of  the moon  from  the  earth:  228000

Enter  the  date  of  the  month:  30

Is  there  an  eclipse?  Enter  True  for  yes  and  False  for  no:  True

Super  Blue  Blood Moon

Exercise 2 -   Chess board

Positions on a chess board are identified by a letter and a number. The letter identifies the column, while the number identifies the row, as shown below:


Write a program (in the file exercise2 .py) that reads a position from the user.  Then use modular arithmetic to report the color of the square in that row. Your program may assume that a valid position will always be entered. It does not need to perform any error checking.

Sample example 1 (the user input is in red, the printed output is in blue):

Enter  a  chess  board  position:  d5

This  case  is  white

Sample example 2:

Enter  a  chess  board  position:  g7

This  case  is  black

Exercise 3 -   Leap year and soccer

Write a program (in the file exercise3 .py) that does the following (in the specified order):

1.  asks the user to input a year (type: int)

2. prints the message  Leap  year  or  Not  leap  year  on a first line

3. then, only if applicable, prints the message  World  Cup  year  or  Euro  Cup  year  on a second line

Definition of leap year (also known as an intercalary year or bissextile year):

Every year that is exactly divisible by 4 is a leap year,

 except for years that are exactly divisible by 100, …

 but these centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible by 400

For example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 were not leap years, but the years 1600 and 2000 were.

Definition of World Cup year (FIFA Soccer World Cup):

 Happens every 4 years

 Starting from 1950

For example, the years 1950, 1982, or 2018 are World Cup years, but the years 1946 or 2020 are not.

Definition of Euro Cup year (UEFA Soccer European Championship):

 Happens every 4 years

 Starting from 1960

For example, the years 1960, 1984, or 2020 are Euro Cup years, but the years 1956 or 2018 are not.

Sample examples (the user input is in red, the printed output is in blue):

Year:  2000

Leap  year

Euro  Cup  year

Year:  1956

Leap  year

Year:  2017

Not  leap  year