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BEEM061 Main Assignment Part A Brief


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BEEM061 Main Assignment Part A Brief

Your main assignment (80%) must be handed in by Monday 16th January 2023. It consists of two equally weighted parts: part A) A 1,500 word essay based on Topic 2; and part B) A technical task- based assignment (which will be given to you later in the term).

Part A) A 1,500 word essay based on Topic 2

This part contributes 40% to your overall module grade and must be handed in with part B) by Friday 13th January. To spread workload though, it is recommended you start working on it as soon as possible.

Essay Title

The introduction of Bitcoin in January 2009 was the single most important FinTech development in history.” Discuss this statement by comparing Bitcoin to previous advances in financial technology, and examples of current trends in FinTech.

For assessment criteria see the Generic Criteria for Assessment at level 7’ document. For guidance on how to write the essay see A Guide to Essay writing for Business School

Students’ and A Guide to Citing, Referencing and Avoiding Plagiarism’ documents.

Notice that there are two equally important issues to address in this essay. The first is placing bitcoin in the context of the broader previous history of financial technology, and the second is inclusion of  examples of current trends in FinTech. Some of these current trends will be Bitcoin/blockchain related, while others not. Here you should draw on the activities of current FinTech firms – to this end you may find the formative group presentations useful, in addition to conducting your own research online and elsewhere.

You may find it useful to access the FT and Economist (for free) via library resources, in addition to

material covered on the module to ensure you are as up-to-date as possible on current trends. To do

this go tohttps://libguides.exeter.ac.uk/, then click on Go to A-Z List’ button on the right hand side:

then type business’ in the box on the right

click Go’ and you will find a range of resources as you scroll down, including the FT and the Economist.