关键词 > INFO101

INFO101: Website Project


INFO101: Website Project

Due Friday 28th of May 2021 at 5pm



Website for [company name]1 , a fresh fruit and veg e-store.

The company will be a local e-store, operated by friends Tearoa Kairua (a fresh fruit and veg expert), Xin Jiang (e-commerce expert), and Dave Jenkins (logistics expert). The trio have built a company that sources fresh fruit and vegetables grown in the local farms around Wellington, and then sell the produce online. So far, they have four different types of fruit and four different types of vegetables in the product range. They are also expecting to expand their product range with more types of fruit & veg and want them mentioned on the website even though the company is not quite ready to sell them. They created a very simple one-page website to get the company started, but now they need something better. They want to show the range of their produce and allow potential customers to register and to purchase their products online.

Also important to Tearoa, Xin, and Dave is that their website clearly indicate that they are locally sourcing the produce they sell as this is one of the ways they differentiate themselves from other competitors. The website also needs to clearly communicate that the three are a local team from Wellington seeking to promote healthy eating of fresh local fruit and veg produce. It’s critical that their targeted market (i.e., potential customers) in the Wellington region know of all the good they do for local farmers and healthy eating. This message is stated in their motto ‘Buy local and eat fresh Welly!’ which should be a prominent message on their website. They also stress the importance of the capability for customers to register and buy products online, and for the website to be generally friendly to the user and promote the brand and mission of their company.

You have been enlisted help with website development for the business using your INFO101 skills so that Tearoa, Xin, and Dave can effectively sell their fruit and veg produce to the Wellington region.

Your task:

Your task for this project is to complete the design of the website for Tearoa, Xin and Dave’s business; this includes coming up with the company name, communicating the information in the company description (above), incorporating products and services offered by the company, and creating the content and layout for the website.

The website should have a clear target audience and purpose, it should be informative and offer clear insight into what products and services the company offers, and it should be easily navigable by the user.

The pages of the website should be consistent (i.e., font, colour, and formatting) to give a comfortable user experience. The branding for the website should also be clear and should be exhibited throughout all pages of the website.

Importantly, the user should feel that their experience is unique, which means that you’ll need to get creativeTry to set your design apart from the design of websites for other organisations.

You are also expected to display a variety of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and further elements throughout your webpages.

The website will need to contain:

1. An “index.html” page. On this page you will write a brief “who we are” story about the company and the company’s mission. Include contact information for the company (you need to make this up – be creative!).

2. A products and services page: Display the range of products and services the company offers. This should include information about the specifics of the products and services (i.e., what are the available and upcoming produce on sale, what are available dates and times for deliveries of fruit and veg, and anything else the site visitor needs to know - see the company description for inspiration). You might also wish to use this page to create profiles for some of the produce they sell and where they are sourced (remember they want to emphasise local sourcing).

3. A FAQ page which shows a list of answers to questions customers frequently ask, e.g., “is your produce ethically sourced?”, “do you sell 100% organic produce?”, and “how do I contact you if I don’t receive my order?”

4. A register and buy page: This page will contain two things. 1. A form that allows customers to register and enter their details for future use; and 2. A form that permits potential customers to pay for products they have purchased via the website. Two or more functioning ‘buttons’ should be present (e.g., “pay now” or “register”), and they should call a JavaScript function. Note that you are not expected to create fully functioning forms that can actually register people or take payment, but the buttons should display the appropriate messages that indicate that a JS function has been accurately used (for instance “Thank you for registering!”).

You will be expected to integrate content from your workshop exercises. As outlined in the marking rubric (see Page 4) the skills you have learned in the workshops will form the basis of your project. However, if you want to integrate HTML, CSS and/or JavaScript elements from outside of the workshop guides, in addition to what you have learnt in this course, you are welcome to. In that case, you’ll need to make sure to reference any ‘borrowed’ code if you do this, so check out the resources on Blackboard (e.g., Workshop Guides) to check you’re doing that correctly. This also includes if you have knowledge from previous web projects; we need to know where your knowledge comes from! Note that simply implementing what has been covered in the workshop guides will be sufficient to obtain full marks for the coding requirements of this project; you do not need ‘extra’.

Submission Instructions:

In your Website Project folder on Blackboard there is a Zip folder containing: 4xHTML. 1xJS, and 1xCSS. Note that you will need to extract the zip and save the individual files within the same folder in your computer in order to use the files correctly. You may choose to use this as a starting point, or you can begin on your own. Do not create and submit more than 4 HTML pages. If you submit more than 4x HTML pages, we will select the first four listed in your navigation bar and ignore the others, which may result in you losing marks overallIf there is any part of this brief, project, or code you are not sure of, please refer to your workshop materials and/or post questions on the Blackboard discussion board.

Note the following:

1. When uploading your file please follow the submission guide on Blackboard. This guide is in the same content area as this assignment brief and submission link.

a. Please remember to check your @myvuw email address in the weeks following your website submission. You will be contacted through that address if there are errors which require you to resubmit.

2. We strongly advise you to submit your work a few days before the deadline. Please use Google Chrome or Firefox to do so.

3. We cannot ‘pre-mark’ assignments (i.e., tell you, in advance, whether your assignment is likely to achieve a passing grade). We recommend performing self-assessment before submitting your attempt, using the rubric as a ‘checklist’.

4. Any projects submitted after the due time will incur a late penalty, and any submissions made 5 days (or more) after the due date will not be accepted for grading.

5. A reminder that a ‘credible attempt’ of this assignment is a mandatory course requirement; meaning you must submit this assignment, with obvious attempt to address the project brief, to pass this course.

Website Rubric

The requirements of your website are as follows: