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BUSM058 Understanding Consumer Behaviour


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BUSM058 Understanding Consumer Behaviour

Individual Project, Semester A 2022

Individual Final Project (Essay) (100%)

Instructions for Students

This assignment consists of one question. Your answer should be no more than 2500 words (including everything except the References/Works Cited/Bibliography). The Individual Final Project is due on 22nd December, 15:00h, and needs to be uploaded on QMplus. Your answers will be graded based on the following criteria:

Relevance and correctness of information used

How well is this information integrated

Extend of in-depth analysis

Evidence of learning from lectures, seminars, and required readings

How well structured and balanced is the answer

Appropriateness of examples given

You are expected to use the literature that we discussed during the semester, what was presented in lectures and seminars (goes beyond course textbook!) and additional articles that were specified in the module handbook as “Required Readings”. For the question, you are required to use at least 8 scientific sources (e.g., articles, books, chapters). Non-scientific websites, blogs, and related social media content do not count towards this limit and should be avoided, if possible. References should be correctly cited in the text and also listed in the Reference/Bibliography section at the end of each answer.

Additional instructions:

Note that each citation should refer to the original source of the information. That is, if a book cites another source for the information, then you should refer to the original source rather than the book. However, if the information is the author’s unique viewpoint, then it is perfectly fine to cite the book as the source of the information.

Also, please ensure that each of your citations is correct. It is strongly suggested that you read the original source of the information, rather than relying on a secondhand source (such as a citation from the course slides). Obviously incorrect citations would be a strong negative signal that the information in the assignment may not be accurate, or that the assignment has not been done carefully.

Please also try to ensure that your assignment is well-written; i.e., with good sentence structure and free of spelling errors. For people whose native language is not English, you may want to try to take extra care with this, the best you can. Obvious spelling and/or grammar errors would be a strong signal that the assignment has not been done (or checked) carefully. Use of a spell checker is highly recommended   :-)

Finally, if relevant, it may be helpful to have headings and subheadings in your assignment to refer to different theories that you use. This may make the assignment easier to read.  You can bold and/or underline these if you like.  For example, if you refer to 3 different theories, you could highlight (bold/underline) each of these so that it’s easier for me to see the precise structure of your paper without having to take multiple looks through it.

Question 1: Analysing a commercial

The purpose of this assessment is to give you an opportunity to apply the consumer behaviour principles and theories discussed in the module and the corresponding chapters in the textbook to evaluate an actual marketing commercial. Students will choose one of the four possible commercials and analyse the different consumer behaviour aspects that contribute to the commercial’s (lack of) success.

Please choose one of the four commercials and analyse the use of the theories and principles of consumer behaviour (e.g., Motivation, ability, & opportunity; Exposure, attention, & perception; Categorizing & comprehending information; Forming & changing attitudes; Forming & retrieving memories; The decision-making process; Psychographics; Marketing, ethics, and social Responsibility):

Commercial #1 (Fiat 500X): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCM2X9ToLlg 

Commercial #2 (Direct TV): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kfVpVpw7Uo 

Commercial #3 (Berlitz): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZ9nvYCDUUw 

Commercial #4 (Amazon Prime): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6XKV1RSQOY 

Please note that you do not have to include all aspects of the psychologic core principles!! It is better to choose one or two of these principles and describe & apply them in detail rather than listing all psychologic core principles and only covering them superficially. In your analysis, you could consider things like:

How are consumers’ motivation, ability, and opportunity addressed?

How are consumers exposed to the product/service/brand?

How does the commercial try to capture consumers’ attention?

How is consumers’ perception influenced?

How do consumers understand the message of the commercial?

How are consumers’ attitudes shaped or changed?

How are emotions being manipulated? What is the goal behind that?

How is the decision-making process influenced?

How is the commercial related to ethical considerations in marketing?

How are different psychographics aspects (e.g., values, personality) used?

More guidance

The most important aspect of the assignment is to correctly apply the course theories. Answers that do not use these theories, or that demonstrate a lack of understanding of the theories (as discussed in class and in the course readings), will be deemed unsatisfactory. Answers that use definitions or conceptualizations of the theories that are inconsistent with the way they were discussed in the course will also be deemed unsatisfactory.  You are welcome to refer to the lectures (and associated PowerPoint slides) and information posted on QMplus.

The second most important aspect of the assignment is to apply the theories insightfully. This includes understanding the theories well enough to use them in the analysis of the chosen commercial. For example, stating that the commercial attracts consumers’ attention is not very insightful because most commercials are designed to attract attention. A good answer would demonstrate a deep understanding of the course theories, and apply them insightfully as they relate to the unique aspects of your chosen commerical.

Ideal answers will include four sections:

Short description of the commercial you are going to analyse. This will help you focus on the most important aspects of the commercial.

Analysis of the commercial from the perspective of the consumer behavior principles. This section should briefly describe the theories and principles that are relevant for your analysis. Then you should use these theories and principles to examine the commercial and explain how they were implemented. Use subheadings to structure your analysis.

Short evaluation of what was good and bad about the commercial. This should be based on your analysis and not only just your personal opinion. It is fine to let your personal opinion and preferences guide your thoughts in this section, but your statements in this section should be backed up by your analysis. Simply saying that you liked it (or did not like it) is not enough. It has to be based on your analysis in section 2.

References/Bibliography. Use formal citation rules (either APA or Harvard).