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ECO227: Experimental Economics and Finance Tutorial 7


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ECO227: Experimental Economics and Finance

Tutorial 7

2022/2023 Semester 1

Question A: The Public Goods Game

a.   What is the experimental design of the public goods game? What is the Nash equilibrium?

b.   Herrmann et al. (2008) ran experiments of the public goods game. What are their main findings?

c.   What is the experimental design of the public goods with punishment? What is the Nash equilibrium?

d.   Fehr and Gachter (2000) ran an experiment of the publish goods game with punishment. What can we learn from their experiment?

Question B: The Ultimatum Game

a.   What is the experimental design of the ultimatum game? What is the Nash equilibrium?

b.   Güth et al. (2003) ran a field experiment of the ultimatum game. What are their main findings?

c.   Fischbacher et al. (2009) ran an experiment of the ultimatum game with market competition. Briefly describe their experimental design. What are their main findings?

Question C: The Dictator Game

a.   What is the experimental design of the dictator game? What is the Nash equilibrium?

b.   Bellemare et al. (2008) ran experiments of the dictator game and ultimatum game. What can we learn from the experiments?