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BU.510.650 – Data Analytics Assignment # 5


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BU.510.650  Data Analytics

Assignment # 5

Please submit two documents: Your answers to each part of every question in .pdf or .doc format, and your R script, in .R format. In your document with answers, please do not respond with R output only. While it is okay to include R output in that document, please make sure you spell out the response to  the question asked. Please submit your assignment through Blackboard and name your files using the convention LastName_FirstName_AssignmentNumber. For example, Yazdi_Mohammad_5.pdf and      Yazdi_Mohammad_5.R.

For answering questions 1 and 2: Please watchAdvertising ExampleandToyota Examplerecording of class, explaining Linear Regression in R.

For answering questions 3: Please watchLogistic Regression in Rrecording of class, explaining Logistic Regression in R.

1. This question involves the use of simple linear regression on the Bikeshare data set (adapted from a data set of bike rentals from DC’s Capital Bikeshare system – see the following url for details:         https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/bike+sharing+dataset). The following is a brief description of the data, which is in the file Bikeshare.csv on Blackboard.

•     Temperature normalized temperature in Celsius, derived according to: (temperature on that day - t_min)/(t_max - t_min), where t_min = -8, t_max = +39 (minimum and maximum temperatures encountered during the time period  the data was collected).

•      Humidity normalized humidity, derived according to: Humidity (measured on a scale of 0 to 100) on that day / 100.

•      Windspeed normalized windspeed in km/h, derived according to: Windspeed on that day / wind_max, where wind_max = 67, the fastest wind encountered during the time period the data was collected.

•      Rentals – number of bikes rented on that day.

Hint: Keep the dataset in the normalized values and do NOT change the normalized to original values.

a)    First, read the data in Bikeshare.csv to a data frame called Bikeshare. Use the lm() function to    run a simple linear regression with “Rentals” as the output variable and “Temperature” as the input variable. Use the summary() function to print the results.

•    Comment on the output. Specifically: Does temperature have a statistically significant effect on the number of rentals?

•    What is the effect of a one degree (Celsius) change in temperature on the rentals?  Hint: The answer to this question is the same as the answer to the following question:

what is the effect of a 1/47 degree Celsius change in normalized temperature on the rental b)   Repeat part (a), but this time with Humidity” as the input variable.

c)    Repeat part (a), but this time with “Windspeed” as the input variable.

d)   Check the R2 value you obtained in part (c). You will notice that it is very small. How do you reconcile the small R2 value with your answer for part (c)?

e)    Plot Rentals” versus Temperature”, and display the regression line” on the plot, that is, the line   that shows how “Rentals” changes with respect to “Temperature” according to your regression. The following command will produce such a line: abline(..., lwd = 5, col = “red”). Here, “…”      should be replaced with the name of the variable where you stored your regression results, “lwd =   5” specifies the width of the line, and col = “red”” makes it a red line.

f)    The goal of this part is to introduce you to a useful plot type, called scatter plot matrix” . Obtain a scatter plot matrix of all variables (except the variable “Day”) using the following command:

pairs(~ Rentals + Temperature + Humidity + Windspeed, data=Bikeshare)

Study the graph you obtained. Which input variables appear to have an effect on “Rentals”?

g)    Run multiple linear regression using all variables, except Day”, as input variables. Provide the  summary information. Which input variables have a statistically significant effect on “Rentals”? Justify your answer.

h)   What is the predicted number of rentals on a day when the temperature is 15 degrees Celsius, humidity is 50 (out of 100), and the windspeed is 5 km/h?

2. In this question, you will work on the updated Bikeshare dataset. In particular, you will check           whether weekends, in addition to weather conditions, affect rental patterns. In addition to all the previous data, the updated Bikeshare dataset has the following data:

•      Weekday – goes from 0 to 6, with 0 indicating that the day was Sunday, 1 indicating that the day was Monday, etc.

•      Registered – number of bikes rented by registered users on that day.

•      Casual – number of bikes rented by casual users on that day.

To start your work on this question, read the data in Bikeshare_updated.csv to a data frame called      BikeshareUpdated. Then, create a new column in your data frame called Weekend,” which shows 1 if the day is a Saturday or Sunday, and 0 otherwise. (R Hint: In R, the or” operator is the symbol  |. For example, (x == 5) | (x == 6) will return TRUE if x is 5 or 6.)

(a)  Run a multiple linear regression with Rentals” as the output variable and Temperature,”

“Humidity,” “Windspeed,” and Weekend” as input variables. Comment on the output: Which input variables have a statistically significant effect on the number of rentals?

(b)  Run a multiple linear regression with Registered” as the output variable and Temperature,”

“Humidity,” “Windspeed,” and Weekend” as input variables. Comment on the output: Which input variables have a statistically significant effect on the number of rentals by registered users?

(c)   Run a multiple linear regression with Casual” as the output variable and “Temperature,”           “Humidity,” “Windspeed,” and Weekend” as input variables. Comment on the output: Which input

variables have a statistically significant effect on the number of rentals by casual users?

(d)  Compare and contrast your results from the previous three parts to answer the following question: How does the weekend affect rental patterns?

3. In this question, you will use logistic regression on an adaptation of the Titanic data set from the first class to predict whether a passenger will survive or not.

To begin your work on this question, first read the data from the file "TitanicforLogReg.csv" to a data frame named Titanic. (Note: Please review the data before proceeding. You will notice that it has five columns: Survived, Gender, Child, Fare, Class, and three of them – Gender, Fare, Class – are categorical variables that R will convert to 0-1 columns when you run logistic  regression.)

Next, split the data into training data and test data, using random selection. Include half of the         records in the training data and the rest in the test data. Remember to include set.seed(1) before the random selection in your code, so we all end up making the same split.

(a)  What is the proportion of passengers who survived in the training data, and the proportion of

passengers who survived in the test data?

(b)  Run logistic regression on the training data, with Survived as the response variable and Gender,

Child, Fare, Class as predictor variables. Display a summary of the results. Examine the output: Which predictors are statistically significant? Which predictors are not statistically significant?

(c)   Based on part (b), remove the predictors that are not statistically significant, and run logistic            regression again on the training data. Display a summary of the results. Examine the output: Are all remaining predictors statistically significant?

(d)  Using your regression results from part (c), predict the probability of survival for each passenger in  the test data. Using these probabilities, assign each passenger in the test data a final prediction of 1 (will survive) or 0 (will not survive). When making this final prediction, adopt the following rule:

If the passenger’s probability of survival is greater than 0.5, then we predict the passenger will survive, otherwise we predict the passenger will not survive.

(e)  Compute the accuracy of the predictions you made for the test data: What is the percentage of

passengers for whom your prediction was accurate?