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MATH1064 Discrete Mathematics for Computation Sample Exam A Semester 2 2019


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Sample Exam A Semester 2 2019


Discrete Mathematics for Computation

Multiple Choice Section

In each question, choose at most one option.

Your answers must be entered on the Multiple Choice Answer Sheet.

1. Let A and B be finite sets. Given that there exists a bijective function f : A t B we

may conclude that:

(a) |A| < |B|   (b) |A| W |B|   (c) |A| = |B|   (d) |A| ⇤ |B|   (e) |A| > |B|

2. How many numbers are there between 1 and 1000 that are divisible by 15 and 2?

(a) 100

(d) 33

(b) 66

(e) None of the above.

(c) 12

3. The general solution of the recurrence relation xn = 8xn−1 ⌅ 16xn−2 is which one of the following expressions, where A and B are constants:

(a) xn = A4n         (d) xn = A4n + B4n

(b) xn = A2n + B8n

(e) xn = A4n + Bn4n

(c) xn = A2n + Bn8n

4. . . . 20. (There will be 20 multiple choice questions in the real exam.)

Extended Answer Section

There are ve questions in this section, some with a number of parts.  Write your answers in the space provided below each part.  You must show your working and give reasons for your answers. If you need more space there are extra pages at the end of the examination paper.

1.  (a) Consider the sets A =  {a,b,c,1, 2, 3}, B  =  {b,c,1, 4, 5}, and C  =  {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Write down explicitly a bijection from A / B to B U C, or explain why one does not exist.

(b) Let X,Y be sets and consider functions f  : X Y  and g  : Y X .  Suppose that for every y Y we have that f(g(y)) = y .  Prove that f is surjective .

(c)  Suppose that A,B, C are sets .  Prove the statement      A / (B U C) = (A / B) ⌥ (A / C) .

(A Venn diagram is not su⇥cient, be explicit about the elements in A , B, and C .)

2.  (a) How many arrangements are there of the letters of WOOLLOOMOOLOO? (In all parts of this question it is not necessary to evaluate formulas involving factorials, binomial coe⇥cients, etc.)

(b) How many arrangements are there with the three Ls together?

(c) How many arrangements are there with the W and M together?

3.  (a) Suppose that (an)n⇥1 is a sequence defined by

a1 = 1, a2 = 3 and ak = ak−1 + ak−2  for all k ⇤ 3.

Prove that for all n ⇤ 1, we have

an (  n .

(b) We draw n mutually intersecting circles in the plane so that each one crosses each other one exactly twice and no three have a boundary point in common. (Think of Venn diagrams with two or three mutually intersecting sets.)  We are interested in the number of regions that the plane is divided into. For example, if n = 1, then the plane is divided into two regions, the inside and the outside of the circle. If n = 2, then the plane is divided into four regions.

Find a formula for the number of regions that the plane is divided into with n circles. Prove that your formula is correct.

4. and 5. There will be ve extended questions in the real exam.