关键词 > COMP3153

COMP3153 C++ Programming Language


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C++ Group Project

C++ Programming Language(COMP3153)


Form a team of 3 or 4 students and register it on ispace. The goal is to write a C++ software which follows      the      specifications      detailed      below.      Note      that      your      C++      code      should  use classes and inheritance, and  that  your  main  function,  your  class  declarations  and  your  class definitions should  be written  in different files. Submit your C++  program on  ispace  into one zipped file  containing:

D code files (.cpp files and.h files)

>.exe and  .txt files

> a brief document containing the User manual of your software, and the job allocation between the team members.

Each group only needs to submit one copy of the zip file. The deadline for the project will be released on ispace.


1.Customer account

In  a  bank, there  are  many types of accounts. To  make  it simple for this  course  project, we only consider two types of accounts: personal account and enterprise account.

The information about all the accounts of the bank is stored in a text file named account.txt in the following  format:

account name password withdrawable category loan amount loan quota left net value









1002   Naruto 654321   101000.23    enterprise   1000        49000           100000.23

account customer account  number.  It contains 4 digits and starts from  1001  (the account  number 1000 is reserved for the bank manager),

name customer name,

password login password. It must be a 6-digit number only,

withdrawable the amount of money that the customer can withdraw from the bank, category category of customer. Must be either personal or enterprise,

loan  amount records the amount that the customer borrows from the bank,

loan quota left the loan quota left for the customer.A personal account can borrow at most 20,000 and an enterprise account can borrow at most 50,000,

net value  net  value  of  the  account  (equal  to  withdrawable  -  loan amount  ).

For           every           account,           the            client            can           perform            the           ffollowing

actions: inquire, deposit, withdraw, save, transfer, loan and repay.

inquire When a personal or enterprise account is inquired, the balance of the account is displayed,

deposit   A   customer   can   deposit   as   much   as   he/she   wants   and   can.After   a   deposit,the customer's withdrawable,net value  and  the  bank'  s  total deposits(see  the  bank  manager section below)  should  be  updated,

withdraw   For  a   personal  account,  the  customer  can  withdraw  at   most  2000  each  time.   For  an  enterprise  account,  the  customer  can  withdraw  at   most   5000  each  time.   If  a  customer  tries  to withdraw  an  amount  which  exceeds  this  limit,  a  warning  should  be  given.When  a  customer  tries  to withdraw  an  amount  which  exceeds  the  budget  in  that  account,  the  withdraw  fails  and  a  warning should  be  given.  Once  a  withdraw  is  successfully  completed,  the  bank'  s  total deposits  should  be updated.

transfer  When  transferring  money,  an  enterprise  account  can  transfer  up  to  20,000  while  a  personal account can transfer at  most  10,000 each time. The withdrawable should  be  updated  in the files  if the transaction  succeeds.

loan  The  bank  offers  a  loan  service  to  all  its  customers.  The  total  borrowable  amount from  the  bank is  100,000.Customers  can  borrow  from  the  bank;  if  a  customer  wants  to  borrow  an  amount  which exceeds the  bank' s  borrowable amount, a warning  message should  be given.  Once  money  is  loaned, the         customer’s         withdrawable,              loan amount         and           loan quota left          and         the  bank's   borrowable amount   should   be   updated   accordingly,   and   the   data   file   should   be   updated accordingly as well.

repayment  The  customer  is  responsible  for  repayments.  The  customer  must  pay  a  loan  interest  rate, equal.  to  5%  for  personal  accounts,  and  3%  for  enterprise  accounts.  For  example,  if  a  personal accounts  borrows  100  from  the  bank,  the  customer  should  pay  back  105  to  the  bank.  Once  finishing repayment,          the          customer's              loan amount           and           loan quota left          and          the

bank' s borrowable amount and total deposits should be updated accordingly.

change password The customer can change his/her password.

Use Case Demo

When  the  program  starts,  it  requires  the  user  to  input  his/her  account  number  and  password  to  log in.

Please input your account number:

If a valid account can be found in account.txt,  the  user  can  proceed  to  the  next  step.Otherwise,  a warning will be given and the program will go back to the account input.

Please  input your account  password:

Verify the input using the account' s password stored iin  account.txt.If  the  password  does  not  match, a warning will be given and the program will go back to the account input.

Once logged in successfully, the program should display the following function list:

1 nury

2 epost

3. Withdraw

4 Transfer

5. Loan

6. Repay

7 hange pasword

8. Quit

Please select:

1. Inquiry

Outputs the balance as follows

Dear Alita,your balance is 100000.23


Inputs how much money the customer wants to deposit

Please input the amount to save: 10000

Verify if it is a valid amount, and then output the updated balance

Dear Alita,your balance has been updated to 110000.23

3. Withdraw

Lets the user withdraw an amount of money

Please input the amount to withdraw: 10000

Verify if it is a valid amount, and output the updated balance.Otherwise a warning must be given.

Dear Alita,your balance has been updated to 100000.23

4. Transfer

Lets the user transfer money to another account. The customer should input the number of the receiver account

Please input the target account number: 1002

Verify if it is a valid account. If not, a warning must be prompted.If yes, let the user input the amount to transfer

Please input the amount to transfer: 10000

Verify if it is a valid amount, and output the updated withdrawable amount. Otherwise a warning must be given.

Transfer success!Your withdrawable amount has been updated to 90000.23

5. Loan

Lets the customer enter a loan. The user should input the desired amount to borrow.

Please input the loan amount: 1000

Verify that the amount is valid.If not, a warning message should be displayed.If yes, output the updated withdrawable and loan quota left entries.

Your withdrawable amount is now 91000.23

Your  loan  quota  left  is  19000

6.        Repayment

The program will automatically calculate the total amount to repay to the bank according to the customer's loan amount and the bank' s loan interest. Verify if the customer has enough money. If

yes, proceed with the repayment, and output the updated withdrawable amount. Otherwise a

warning  should  be  given.  Note  that  on  this  example  89950.23  =  91000.23-1000*(1+0.05).After  the

customer's repayment, the bank receives 1050 on this example, and the bank' s borrowable amount is increased by that amount.

Cheers!Your loan amount is now 0. Your loan quota is now 20000.

Your withdrawable amount has been updated to 89950.23

7.      Change      password

Please input your original password:

After this message, the customer should input his/her original password. If the password is wrong, then the password cannot be changed and a warning message is displayed.If the password is right, the next message below is displayed:

Please  input  your  new  password:

Please  input  your  new  password  again:

The customer is required to input his/her new password twice.If the two passwords don't match, the password is not changed, and a warning message is displayed.If they match, the password is changed and the following message is displayed:

Password updated successfully.

8. Continue/Quit After each operation, the following menu should be shown and implemented:

1. Continue //Back to Operation menu

2. Quit //Terminate the program

2. Bank manager account

Note that the account number 1000 is reserved for the bank manager.

The bank manager can log into the system to

> create a customer account,

> check the borrowable amount of the bank,

> check a customer's information (name, withdrawable, category, etc., but not the password) using the customer's account number,

> reset a password for a customer,

The bank' s information is stored in a text file named bank.txt in the following format:

account name password borrowable amount total deposits loan rate personal loan rate enterprise

1000   manager 123456    1000000          200000.46   5%              3%

account Bank manager's account,

name Bank manager's name,

password Login password,

borrowable amount The bank has a limited amount of money to lend,

total depositsT The total amount of deposits in the bank,

loan rate personal The interest rate that personal accounts need to pay on their loans,

loan rate enterprise The interest rate that enterprise accounts need to pay on their loans,

Below is the list of functions available for the bank manager:

1. Create a new account

2 hek te orrwabe amoun of he bnk

3 hek he oa dposits of e ank

4 hek cusomer nomaon

5. Reset password of customer

6. Quit

Please select:


1. Create a new account

Please  input  customer  information

(name   password   withdrawable   category)


123456 100000.23

Note that the customers' account numbers start from 1001.Every time a new user account is

created,  the  new  account  number  is  incremented  sequentially  from  the  previously  created  account

(the first customer account has number 1001, the second customer account has number 1002, etc.).

2. Check the borrowable amount of the bank

Display the borrowable amount:

The borrowable amount is 100000

3.  Check  the  total  deposits  of  the  bank

Display the total deposits of the bank:

The  total  deposits  amount  is  200000.46

4. Check customer information

Please input the account number: 1001





loan amount


loan quota left

net value

1001      Alita      100000.23       personal     O                         20000                   100000.23

5.      Reset      password      of      customer

The bank manager can help a customer to reset a forgotten password, using the customer's account number:

Pea npu he accoun numbr 100

Pese npu h ew paword 23987

Pese npu h ew awor gan 2987

Cheers!Password updated!