关键词 > INFO5001

INFO 5001 – Application Modelling & Design


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INFO 5001 – Application Modelling & Design

What tools you need?

In this course we will be using Visual Studio Code as our code editor. All coding assignments will be in Java and we will use Git & GitHub to maintain our code and submit the assignments.


To develop and run Java code we need to install Java Development Kit (JDK) on your computer.

For this course we will use JDK provided by Amazon Web Services (https://aws.amazon.com/corretto/).

Go to https://docs.aws.amazon.com/corretto/latest/corretto-17-ug/downloads-list.html

To install Java, complete the following steps:

1.    Download either :

a.    Windows machines find Windows x64.msi file.

b.    M1 Macs download .pkg file for macOS aarch64.

c.    Intel-based Macs download .pkg file for macOS x64.

2.    Once you choose the appropriate file, download will start.

3.    Once the download is completed, run the installation file, and install it with default settings.

Visual Studio Code

Once you finish installing Java, your laptop will know how to translate Java code to machine executable files. Now we need a comfortable code editor to write/edit/debug code.

We will use Visual Studio Code as an editor (sometimes also called an IDE).


1.    Download a proper version.

2.    Run the installer and complete the installation.

VS Code installation continued :

3.   To add Java related extensions use the following link:


Let your computer open this link in VS code and it will install all required extension.

Once VS code finishes installing extensions it should look like this:

You might be missing GitLens, and you can use search to find it and install manually.

Now you are ready to start coding J