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STATS 210 (Session 2, Fall 2022) Final Project


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STATS 210 (Session 2, Fall 2022)

Final Project

1.  Logistics

This project is worth 15% of your course grade. You should work in groups of 3 or 4. We strongly recommend forming teams as soon as possible. Of course, if you need help with forming the team, you can contact the instructor. Each team should have one person to mail the instructor your teammates by Dec 2nd .

After finishing the project, you are expected to submit two report files (each team only needs to submit one copy) and prepare a live presentation recording on Zoom:

1.  One  written  report:  Generally,  in  this  report,  you  should  clearly  describe  the contribution of each team member to the project, report your solutions to the tasks in the project assignment, present the ideas, data/experiment results and conclusions.

2.  One presentation PPT: You will submit the PPT for the presentation. In the PPT, each team should clearly present your team work, including the problem you are solving, the ideas/solutions you propose to solve the problem, the data results you get from the experiments, etc.

3.  Recording link of Live Presentation on Zoom: Each team will prepare a recorded zoom presentation. In the presentation, each team member will present his/her own piece of work. The recommended length of the presentation for each team is 10-20 minutes. After recording, please send over your shared zoom recording link to the instructor by email, together with two report files.

2.  Timeline

  November 25 (Friday): Project assignment is released

  December 1 (Thursday): Due date for forming your team

  December 15 (Thursday): Reports and recoding link due

3.  Topic: Red Envelope

Red  envelope  (or  red  packet)  is  popular  in  WeChat  among  both  young  and  senior generations. There is a type of red envelope called random amount red packets: multiple money takers share one packet offered by the sponsor. To investigate the rationales behind the distribution of random amounts, you are required to conduct experiments on WeChat and get enough data for further analyses.

3.1  Task 1

Conduct  experiments  of grabbing  red  envelope  on  WeChat  and  record  the  results. Recommended number of trials is larger than 100 times for the same gross money and same number of money takers. Ensure that the number of money takers is larger than 5. you can corporate with another team, or seek help from your friends.

3.2  Task 2

From your results, would the order of grabbing (early or late) affect the expectation of the money you get? Will the total number of experiments/trials affect your conclusion?

For each order of money taker (from 1st to n  ), plot the distributions of the grabbed moneyth    values. Since these values are discrete, you might need to choose a proper length of bin to  count the experiment results, for example, if the value ranges from 0 to 5 RMB, a bin of 0.5- 1.0 RMB might be proper (you may use the function “histogram” in Matlab). What is  the difference between the first money taker and latter ones according to these distributions?

3.3  Task 3

It is easy to pre-assign random values for each money taker grabbing one  envelope. However, since WeChat is dealing with thousands and hundreds of envelope grabbings at the same time, the cost of accessing database with such a high frequency is really high. Therefore, WeChat took the strategy like this: the money you will grab is not generated until you send the command of grab” .

Given  the  above  information,  design  your  red  envelope  distribution  mechanism  that satisfies:

a) the  amount you will  get is  generated based  on the remaining  gross money and remaining number of money takers at the time you send “grab” command;

b) the results follow the distributions you found in Task 2.

3.4   Task 4

According to what you have got for Task 3, write your own codes (in MATLAB or Python) to simulate the process of grabbing envelopes and compare the simulated results with your experiments.

3.5  Task 5

Present any additional analyses, simulations or findings during your work. You will get bonus score from this task.

3.6  Reports

Your report includes your solutions to task1-5, pdf content of your codes, and your PPTs for the presentation.

3.7  Submission

Please submit the raw data you collected for Task 1, your finished codes and your reports by sending them to the instructor via email at [email protected].