关键词 > CPT105



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Undergraduate – Year 1


Section A: The Game of Life (30 marks)

The Game of Life was invented by the British mathematician John Conway in 1970. It is a zero-player game with no winner or loser, but it is equivalent to a deterministic automaton. The game is played in a matrix of N×M cells, each of which may be either ‘alive’ or ‘dormant’ at each moment, and the state of the cell matrix evolves according to the following rules: A cell in the alive state will enter the dormant state in the next second if there are fewer than two surviving cells around it. A cell in the surviving state will enter the dormant state in the next second due to overcrowding if there are more than three cells in the surviving state around it.

A surviving cell surrounded by two or three surviving cells at a given second will remain surviving for the next second.

Suppose the number of surrounding cells in the surviving state is precisely three at a given second. In that case, a dormant cell is considered more suitable for survival and will enter the surviving state in the next second.

The scope of ‘surrounding’ includes the cells above, below, left, right, top left, bottom left, top right and bottom right of a cell, if they exist.

Given an initial state matrix of 5*5, explore what the valid state is with the most significant number of repetitions in n steps (n>1) and how many times it has been repeated (excluding the initial state). The initial state and the value n will be set as two initial values in the code, which means you don’t need to implement an input function.

A valid state is one in which at least one cell survives. The state matrix is a two-dimensional, integer-type matrix. Surviving cells are denoted by one, and dormant cells are represented by zero. The final output’s length needs to be six rows. The first row is the maximum number of repetitions. Rows 2 to 6 are a 5*5 matrix representing the states that have been repeated; no spaces need to be printed between the numbers.

Note 1: If the maximum number of repetitions is zero or one, i.e., the valid state doesn’t exist, or all the valid states don’t repeat, then the output matrix is a zero matrix.

Note 2: You need to consider boundary issues. As an example, for a point with coordinates (0, 0) you need to consider (4, 4), (4, 0), (4, 1), (0, 4), (1, 4), (0, 1), (1, 1) and (1, 0).



n = 3

Int[][] state = {{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0},{0,1,1,1,0},{0,0,0,0,0},{0,0,0,0,0}}








For this question, after analysis, we can learn that the problem can be split into two sub-problems. The first sub-problem is how to simulate the Game of Life. The second sub-problem is how to count the repeated states. Based on the above analysis, let’s complete the problem step by step (each completed task will earn some marks).

First, let’s create a class as shown below.

1. public class GameOfLife {  

2.     public static int[][] state = {  

3.             {0, 1, 0, 0, 0},  

4.             {0, 0, 1, 0, 0},  

5.             {1, 1, 1, 0, 0},  

6.             {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},  

7.             {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}};  

8.     public static int n = 103;  

9.     public static HashMap<String, Integer> count = new HashMap<String, Integer>();  

10. }  

Problem 1: (4 marks) Implement a function: public static int returnAlive(int x, int y){}. Input two integers, x and y. Return the alive cell’s count around the state[x][y]. Example: Input: x=2, y=4, Output: 1

Problem 2: (4 marks) Implement a function: public static void goNextState(){}. When calling this function, the state variable should change to the next state’s value. Example: If we call this function now, the state’s value should change as follows:

1. state = {  

2.     {0, 0, 0, 0, 0},  

3.     {0, 1, 0, 0, 0},  

4.     {0, 1, 0, 0, 0},  

5.     {0, 1, 0, 0, 0},  

6.     {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}}; 

Problem 3: (4 marks) HashMap is generally used for counting duplicate content. However, a two-dimensional matrix is not suitable for using a key of the HashMap. We provide a solution here that converts this 5*5 0-1 matrix into a 25-length 0-1 String. Implement a function: public static String getStateStr(){}. When we call this function, it should return a 25-length String that represents the state matrix. 

Example: If we call this function now, this function should return the following String: 0000000000011100000000000

Problem 4: (2 marks) Note that we only count the valid state in this problem. Write a function to check if a 25-length String represents a valid state. public static boolean checkStateStr(String str){}

Example: checkStateStr(“0000000000000000000000000”), output=false

Problem 5: (4 marks) We need to print the ans matrix at the end. Write a function to print a 5*5 matrix based on a 25-length String input. public static void printState(String stateStr){}

Example: printState(“0000000000011100000000000”)

Print this matrix as an output:






Problem 6: (12 marks) With the help of the above function, complete this problem within the main function.

Note: You need to submit your Java source code, .mp4 file and PPT for this section A.

Section B Node List Tree (30 marks)

Please build a binary tree’s data structure. The value of each tree node is NodeList. Here is the class of the node list.

1. public class NodeList {  

2.     public String value;  

3.     public NodeList next;  


5.     public NodeList(String _value, NodeList _next){  

6.         value = _value;  

7.         next = _next;  

8.     }  


10.     public NodeList(String _value){  

11.         value = _value;  

12.         next = null;  

13.     }  

14. }  

And here is the part of the NodeListTree’s class.

1. public class NodeListTree {  

2.     public NodeList val;  

3.     public NodeListTree left, right;  

4. }  

Based on the above codes, please complete the following problems.

Problem 1: (5 marks) Please complete the Constructor function of the NodeListTree. You should consider two situations. Situation 1 is the input, including all three data, val, left and right. Situation 2 is that the input only includes the val data. In situation 2, the value of right and left should be null.

Problem 2: (5 marks) Please create NodeListTree data, named root in the primary function based on the information below.

The NodeListTree’s overall structure is shown below.

For each node, the node list is shown as follows:







Problem 3: (4 marks) Please create a function that can output the pre-order traversal of a given NodeListTree type value. For each NodeList type node, you only need to print the first node’s value. The function should resemble this:

public static String printFirst(NodeListTree root){}

Example: The above ‘root’ output should be ‘ABDECF’.

Problem 4: (4 marks) Please create a function that can output the medium-order traversal of a given NodeListTree type value. For each NodeList type node, you only need to print the second node’s value. The function should resemble this:

public static String printSecond(NodeListTree root){}

Example: The above ‘root’ output should be ‘ToEveryoneThisHelloWelcomeCourse’.

Problem 5: (12 marks) Please create a function. Suppose you input a NodeListTree type value and a character type value (a lowercase character) into this function. In that case, it will return an integer number, which indicates the letter appears many times in this NodeListTree type value—disregarding upper and lower case. You can use the code you wrote in Problems 1 to 5. The function should be shown like this:

public static int returnAns(NodeListTree root, char aim){}

Example: The output of the (root, ‘c’) should be 3.

Note: You need to submit your Java source code, .mp4 file and PPT for this section B.

Section C: MOBA Game (40 marks)

MOBA has been a very hot game genre in the last decade; the representative productions include games like League of Legends, Dota and Honor of Kings. A feature of this type of game is many optional hero characters. Each hero can choose one skill from a shared skill pool to play in each game. Each hero has their own skills as well.

Now please complete the following task based on the above information. You need to design a hero system for a MOBA game. This hero system has the following features.

Problem 1) Each hero has three essential attributes: life, movement speed and attack power.

Problem 2) There are two different hero professions. Each of the two professions has a separate skill pool, each with three skills.

Problem 3) There is a shared skill pool for both professions, which has two skills.

For the implementation part of each skill, print the skill name.


1. public void addHealth() {  

2.     System.out.print("Add Health");  

3. } 

Note: You need to submit your Java source code, .mp4 file and PPT for this section C.