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EFIM10015 Introduction to Management


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January 2022


Introduction to Management

Answer TWO questions from the following questions. Please write answers clearly in your answer booklet and NOT on the question paper.

Question 1

Critically assess Taylor’s contribution to management.  To what extent can his ideas help us to make sense of management practices in the Amazon case study?

Total 50 marks

Question 2

To what extent and how is rationality 'bounded'? What effects does this have on management decision making and how, if at all, can it be addressed? Illustrate your answer by drawing on the TLA case study.

Total 50 marks

Question 3

Walton suggests that management is attempting to move “from control to commitment in the workplace” (1985: 77). Discuss what he means by this and evaluate the success of this approach to management, drawing on the British Airways (BA) case study.

Total 50 marks 

Question 4

“The purpose of the corporation must be redefined as creating shared value, not just profit per se.” (Porter and Kramer, 2011: 64). Evaluate this statement and discuss whether firms should follow Porter and Kramer’s advice.

Total 50 marks