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Econ 501: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy Midterm Exam


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Fall 2022

Econ 501: Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy

Midterm Exam

Question 1 Solow-Swan Model (25 pts)

Consider the production function F = 2K0.5L0.5 . Technology is set at 2 and does not grow. Suppose that the savings rate is 0.2, the depreciation rate, δ, equals 0.05, and population growth, n, is 0.05.

a)   Show that the production function exhibits constant returns to scale. (2pts)

F(xK,xL) = 2x0.5 K0.5x0.5L0.5 = x12K0.5L0.5 = xF(K,L)

b)  Derive the per-worker production function y = f(k) (3pts)

F(K/L) = 2(K0.5L0.5)/L= 2(K/L)0.5= 2(k)0.5

c)   Solve for the steady-state level of capital per worker. (5pts)

2s(k)0.5 = (δ+n)k, therefore 0.4(k)0.5 = 0. 1k, kss = (0.4/0. 1)2 = 16

d)  Solve for the steady-state output per worker. (5pts)

Yss = F(k) = 2(16)0.5 = 8

e)   Solve for the steady-state consumption and investment level. (2pts)

C = Yss sYss = 0.8 * 8 = 6.4

I = 0.1kss = 0.1* 16 =  1.6

Now assume that the savings rate is not fixed.

f)   Solve for the Golden-Rule level of capital per worker and the associated consumption level. (3pts)

C = 2(k)0.5 – 0. 1k

First order condition: (k)-0.5 0.1 = 0 , k = (0. 1)-2 , kGR = 100

Thus C = 20- 10 = 10

g)  Solve for the savings rate that allows for the golden rule level of capital in the steady state. (5pts)

In the steady state: 2s(k)0.5 = 0. 1k, sGR = 0.05(k)0.5 = 0.05(100)0.5 = 0.05*10 = 0.5

Question 2 Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans Model (25 pts)

Consider an economy that follows the assumptions of the Ramsey-Cass-Koopmans model.

a)  Write down the k ̂˙ = 0 and ĉ˙ = 0 equations and graph the phase diagram. 5 pts

k ̂˙(t) = f(k ̂(t)) − (g + n + δ)k ̂(t) – ĉ(t)

c˙(t)/c(t) = 1/9 (f’(k ̂(t)) - δ - ρ - 9g)

k ̂˙ = 0: 6 = f(k^( - )2 + n + 6(k^

c˙ = 0: t’)k^) = 6 + q + 9g



b)  An increase in international oil prices permanently decreases the production function f(k ̂), which means that for any given k̂, f(k ̂) and f’(k ̂) are lower than before. How does 6 and k^ react? Explain and graph on the phase diagram from a). 10 pts

A decrease the production function directly affects the k ̂˙ = 0 locus. As f(k ̂) decreases, consumption will be lower for any level of k̂, so the curve shifts down to the green curve.

At the same time, the decrease of f’(k ̂) will unbalance the equation for c˙ = 0. For the equation to remain balanced, k ̂ must decrease, shifting to the new green line to the left.

As a result, both 6* and k^* will decrease to a new equilibrium.

c)  How does ĉ and react to a demographic change that reduces the population growth? Explain and graph on the phase diagram from a). 10pts

The reduction of n does not affect the ĉ˙= 0 locus, so * will remain the same. For any level of capital, the reduction of n leads to a higher associated ĉ , shifting the ˙=0 locus upward to the red curve. The result is the same * and a higher level of ĉ*.

Question 3 Overlapping Generations Model (25 points)

Consider an economy where 2 groups coexist, those young moved to the region to work, and those retired moved-in in the past and now live from their passive income. The utility function for someone born at time t is:

The growth rate of the population and technology are Lt =  (1 + n)Lt−1 and At =  (1 + g)At−1, respectively. Markets are competitive and there is capital depreciation.

(a) Write down the capital accumulation equation. 5pts

Kt+1 = Lt (wtAt − C1,t ) − 6Kt

(b) Specify the budget constraint and the Lagrangian. 5pts

The budget constraint is

C1,t +             = (At wt)

The Lagrangian is

L = + + 入[At wt − C1,t ]

(c) Derive the Euler equation.  5pts

The First order conditions are

Ct(e) = 入

Ct(e)+1 1

1 + p      1 + rt+1

Eliminate the lambdas


= (               )

(d) Calculate the saving rate.  5pts

The saving rate can be calculated as:


At wt C1,t ()e C1,t

At wt                  C1,t  + C1,t  + ()e  C1,t


()e (1 + rt+1)

=                                               =

1 + rt+1  + ()e            (1 + p)e  + (1 + rt+1)  e

Assume a Cobb-Douglas production function yt  = kt(a)  (kt denotes capital per-effective worker).

(e) Calculate the wage rate (per effective labor), interest rate, and law ofmotion of capital (kt+1 in terms of kt ) 5pts

The wage in competitive market can be calculated as total income minus capital income wt  = f(kt ) − ktf (kt ) = (1 − a)kt(a)

The interest rate is

rt  = f (kt ) − 6 = akt(a)−1 6

from (a) we have

Kt+1  + 6Kt  = Lt (wtAt C1,t ) = sAt Lt wt  = At Lt wt


= At Lt (1 − a)kt(a)

(1 + p)e  + (1 + akt(a)−1 − 6)  e


(1 + akt(a)−1 − 6) e (1 a)kt(a) 6kt

(1 + p)e  + (1 + akt(a)−1 − 6) e      (1 + n)(1 + g)     (1 + n)(1 + g)