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AD699: Data Mining for Business Analytics Individual Assignment #3


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AD699: Data Mining for Business Analytics

Individual Assignment #3

You will submit two files:

(1)  a PDF with your write-up, along with

(2)  the script you used to generate your results.

Association rules

For this portion of the assignment, we will be using data from Groceries, a dataset that can be found with the arules package.  Each row in the file represents one buyer’s purchases.   This link provides some helpful templated examples for generating association rules:


1.    Describe“Groceries”by answering following questions:

●   What is the class of“Groceries”?

●    How many rows and columns does Groceries contain?

2.   Generate an item frequency barplot for the grocery items with support rate greater     than 0.05. Include a screenshot of your results, along with the code you used to do this.

3.   Now,  create a subset of rules that contain your grocery item (you can find your item in the spreadsheet in Blackboard, in Class Discussions > From Your Instructor). Select

4 different rules, (2 lhs and 2 rhs), and explain them in the way you would explain them to  your roommate (I’m assuming your roommate is a smart person who is unfamiliar with data mining).  Remember, every rule has three components: support, confidence, and lift.

For  each  group  of  rules  (grocery  item  on  left-hand  side,  and  grocery  item  on right-hand side), include a screenshot of your rules, along with the code you used to generate the rules.

In a sentence or two, explain what meaning these rules might have for a supermarket retailer, such as Star Market. What could it do with this information?

4.   Using the plot() function in the arulesViz package, generate a scatter plot of any three rules involving your grocery item.  Include a screenshot of  your plot, along with the code you used to generate the plot. Describe your results in a sentence or two.

5.   Again using the plot() function in the arulesViz package, generate a plot for any three of your rules.   This time, add two more arguments to the function:   method="graph", engine="htmlwidget".  What do you see now?  Include a screenshot of your plot, along with the code you used to generate the plot. Describe your results in a sentence or two.