关键词 > Java代写

Task 6 Capstone Project (Game Design & Development)


Assessment Notice

Information Technology B

Summer Semester

Type of Task: Task 6 Capstone Project (Game Design & Development)

Date of Notification: 26 April 2021

Due Date / Time of Assessment: 17/05/21 to 21/05/21 (Week 15) during normal class times

Weighting: 20%


In this assignment you will create a unique Level 2 game, which will demonstrate your understanding and ability to apply the skills you have learned while making the Level 1 guided practice example.

Class Participation:

You were also required to complete an entry in the Game Design Process Diary at the end of each class, documenting how you have spent each lesson developing your Capstone Project and providing evidence of your engagement in each lesson. Marks for your participation in Zoom classes are included in this grade.

Project Presentation and Submission:

You will be required to share your Zoom screen and play the game in the Unity editor, whilst verbally guiding the audience through the high points of the game.

At the end of your presentation, you will also be required to submit a zipped file of your Game Project via OneDrive, GoogleDrive or DropBox and email the shared folder link to Carli.

Project Requirements:

1. Game Craftsmanship

• An original Level 2 game complete with a modified terrain, obstacles, collision artifacts and graphics in support of the story and the gameplay

• Game must include story and characters

• Game is creative and original, and shows time spent on development

• Holistic viewpoint (how well the graphics, game objects, characters, etc. work together and how they create the gameplay experience)2

2. User Interface

• An opening menu screen that states the game name, game theme and background image suitable for the game story

• Menu screen includes a button to open the story screen

• A story screen that states a short summary of the game story and includes a suitable background image

• Story screen includes a button to open Level 2

• Level 2 includes a ‘back to menu’ button and a ‘re-load level 2’ button

• In-game text UI which displays at game start and disappears after a number of points are scored (text continues storyline or explains rules and instructions for playing)

• Additional in-game text UIs displaying after a collision event

• A win screen at the end of gameplay

• Win screen includes a ‘play again’ button

3. Game Design

• Modify the Level 2 Terrain to create a game world that reflects your storyline

• Create a pathway for the player to follow using textures or markers

• Include custom characters from mixamo.com that reflect your story dialog

• Add 3D game objects (coins, cubes, spheres) or Unity assets that reflect your storyline

• All new game objects must be complete with materials, scripts, tags and physics

• Add suitable Unity assets to build story into the game world

Unity asset packages can be found on Study Smart under the Game Section

Or find other suitable free assets from the Unity asset shop: https://assetstore.unity.com

• Position game object “collectibles” around the terrain in such a way that the player must follow the path, encountering obstacles along the way (cross a bridge, wade through water, jump onto platforms, climb stairs, etc.)

4. Programming

• Add and edit player 2 script to include…

• Collision Events

o Game has one or more collision events programmed on an object (collectable objects, teleport, landmine, reset game to beginning, etc.)

• Scoring Events

o Plus and minus point scores for all collectable game objects

• NPC Events

Unity AI enemy

Or Unity enemy asset (dragon, witch, monster, alien, etc.)

Or pet animal/friend character that follows the player

5. Presentation

• Test and play your game in the Unity editor before presenting and make sure there are no problems

• If there are problems, fix them!

• Be prepared to present your game (Unity and player script opened)

• Be prepared to verbally guide the audience through the points of the game during game play3

Marking Criteria:

Extra detail
Graphics, game objects, terrain and characters
suitable for chosen game theme and story
  User Interface
Text UIs, buttons and screens
  Third person controller
Mixamo custom character
Enemy, friend or pet
  Game objects
Include materials, script, tags and physics
  Score and Win
Edit player script
  Collision events
Edit player script
Game play has no problems and can be
completed in 5 minutes
  Class Participation
Journal entries documenting development


Total = 20% of coursework

Academic Integrity

Plagiarism and cheating will result in a penalty

• 1st offence = 0 for task

• 2nd offence = 0 for coursework

• 3rd offence = 0 for that subject

Absence from an assessment task:

A ZERO (0) will be awarded for a missed assessment task. If the absence is due to illness a Medical Certificate must be submitted to sit a post assessment or receive an estimate. Australian Medical Certificates may be obtained from https://www.doctorsondemand.com.au or https://www.medinet.com.au/.

• The Medical Certificate must cover the date of the assessment and include a contact number of the Doctor for verification.

• Medical Certificates are to be submitted within 3 working days of the missed assessment and sent to [email protected]

Outcomes Assessed:

CLO6 Cultural awareness

CLO7 Collaborative learning

CLO9 Creative and critical thinking

CLO10 Lifelong learning

K2 Knowledge and understanding of the historical developments that have led to current practices in software design and development, and of emerging trends and technologies in this field

S1 Skills in designing and developing software solutions

S2 Skills in management appropriate to the design and development of software solutions

S3 Skills in teamwork and communication associated with the design and development of software solutions

H3.1 Identifies and evaluates legal, social and ethical issues in a number of contexts

H5.3 Selects and applies appropriate software to facilitate the design and development of software solutions

H6.3 Uses and describes a collaborative approach during the software development cycle

H6.4 Develops and evaluates effective user interfaces, in consultation with appropriate people