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ECOS3006 International Trade (Final Exam) Semester 1 - Main, 2019


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Semester 1 - Main, 2019

ECOS3006 International Trade (Final Exam)





1) In 1805 the United Kingdom declared economic blockade to France. The UK was         capital-abundant country at that time and France was labor abundant. Then Heckscher- Ohlin model predicts that the wage-rental ratio to ______ in the UK and to _____ in       France.

a)   fall; fall

b)   rise; fall

c)   fall; rise

d)   rise; rise

2) US exports to China are characterized by a high capital to labor ratio used in         production of those goods, while Chinese exports to the US are characterized by      significantly lower capital to labor ratio. In this case, the most appropriate model is:

a)   The Monopolistic Competition model of trade.

b)  The Heckscher-Ohlin model of trade.

c)   The Ricardian model of trade.

d)  The Specific Factors model

3) A small country wants to limit its imports of tennis shoes to 10,000 shoes per year.  If it uses a tariff to achieve this import reduction, the country’s welfare will be

a)   Higher than it would be with free trade.

b)   Always the same as it would be with a quota that reduced shoe imports to 10,000 shoes per year.

c)   Always lower than it would be with a quota that reduced shoe imports to 10,000 shoes per year.

d)   Higher  than  it  would  be  if  it  allocated  the  10,000  quota  permits  using  Rent Seeking methods.

4) If the United States were a large importer of French wine in the global market, it would experience the highest gains from trade by using

a)  The optimal tariff.

b) An excessively high tariff.

c)  The zero tariff (free-trade).

d) The tariff rate favored by the median voter.

5) If a small country introduces a 10 % discriminatory tariff on the exports of one trade    partner (eg. China), but not on its other trade partners, the negative net welfare effect of the discriminatory tariff will be _____ than it would be with a 10% tariff levied on all of    its trade partners.

a)   larger

b)   smaller

c)   the same as

d)   the opposite of

6) Consider the model of monopolistic competition. When a country engages moves from autarky to a free trade equilibrium :

a)   All firms increase their output and lower their prices.

b)   All firms increase their output and increase their prices.

c)   New firms enter the market.

d)   Product variety available to consumers decreases.

7) In case of trade liberalization in the Specific Factors model, the real wage of workers that mostly consume exported good

a)  Increases.

b)  Decreases.

c)  Remains the same.

d)  Is always equal to nominal wage.

8) Under trade creation,

a)  There is a net efficiency loss due to sourcing from a less efficient supplier.

b) All countries necessarily gain from trade.

c)  All countries either gain or do not lose.

d) Some countries gain and some countries lose from trade and total gains are always larger than losses.

9) If U.S. firms decrease the range of activities that they outsource to Mexico, the demand for relatively skilled workers in Mexico will:

a)   Decrease because the new demand is for lower-skilled workers.

b)   Be unchanged.  (no increase or decrease)

c)   Increase because the new demand for workers in Mexico is relatively more skilled than previous demand.

d)   Increase or decrease depending on workers’ consumption basket.

10) The optimal tariff is _________.  Note:  E*x is the elasticity of export supply, X is the level of exports before tariff, and Pw is the competitive world price.

a)   E*x;

b)   1/E*x ;

c)   X/Pw;

d)   Pw/X;

11) McDonnell Douglas and Boeing were two main rivals on the market of passenger    aircrafts between 1967 and 1997. Assume that the competition between these two      companies can be described as a simultaneous game with the following pay-off matrix:



-5 \ 10




25 \ 0




0 \   80



0  \ 0


In this case Boeing will decide to _______ and McDonell Douglas will decide to _________.

a)   produce; produce

b)   not produce; not produce

c)   produce; not produce

d)   not produce; produce

12) In 1990 Airbus started the development of A380, a wide-body airliner that would later become the main rival of Boeing 747. Assume that Boeing has a first mover        advantage and the competition on the market of large passenger aircraft can be        described with the following pay-off matrix:



-5 \ -10




120 \ -15




0\   90



0  \ -15


In this case Boeing will decide to _______ and Boeing will decide to _________.

a)   produce; produce

b)   not produce; not produce

c)   produce; not produce

d)   not produce; produce

13) For the receiving country, what are the long-run effects of migration on wages and the return to capital?

a)  The wage will increase, and the return to capital will decrease.

b) The wage will decrease, and the return to capital will increase.

c)  Both the wage and the return to capital will increase.

d) There will be no change in the wage and the return to capital.

14) GATT is the trade agreement that

a)  Competes with the WTO.

b)  Prohibits import quotas and export subsidies.

c)  USA, Canada, and Mexico signed in 1994.

d) Was replaced by the WTO.

15)  Formation of free trade areas between WTO members is:

a)  Strictly prohibited.

b) Allowed only if they form a currency union.

c)  Allowed and the most favored nation principle does not have to hold

d) Allowed if they compensate losses of third countries.



For questions 1-2 consider the case of land abundant Mongolia and land scarce Japan. There are two goods, meat that is land intensive and radios that are capital intensive.

1.  (8 points) Assume that the world price of meat increases, what will happen to employment and output in Mongolia in the long run? What will be the effect on wage to rental ratio? What  will happen to the real wage of Mongolian workers? Support your argument with a graph of      relative demand and supply of labor.

2.  (6 points) Now assume that price of meat did not change but instead Japan experienced inflow of immigrants. Draw a box diagram and show what will happen to employment and  output in Japan in the long run. What will happen to wages and rental rates in Japan?

3.  (6 points) Consider a production process of iPhone X. Table below reports how much of high- and low-skilled labor each production tasks requires:



Production of components

















Assume that each task can be performed in the US or in China and that the US is relatively abundant in high-skilled workers. Represent these activities on a value chain  diagram and show what range of activities you expect to be performed in the US and in China. What happens to the range of activities offshored to China when costs of offshoring decrease?

What is going to happen with the relative wages of high skilled workers in both countries? Illustrate your answer with the graphs or relative labor demand and supply.

4.  (8 points) USA is a large consumer on the market of cheese. Donald Trump believes   that he can implement a tariff on cheese that would benefit America. Do you agree that it is possible? Illustrate your answer with a diagram, label consumer and producer surplus, dead weight loss, and tariff revenue for the case of optimal tariff. Do you expect any parties to be hurt by such a policy?

5.  (7 points) Norway is a small oil exporter. Its leaders decide to introduce export quotas. Assume that oil producers keep the quota rent and show on a diagram how this policy will affect domestic and world prices . Label producer and consumer surplus and  quota rents. Can this policy be welfare improving? Explain.