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Project 1 EnStats 328 Krone FL 2022


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Project 1 EnStats 328 Krone FL 2022

30pts Total

This is the first of two major assessments in this course.  You can think of it as a “project” or “take home  exam.”  This is an individual assignment.  You may not work with other students or tutors.  You may only get help from Prof Krone or the TAs.  You can use any course resources, R, and the internet.

     I have scaffolded you well with the lecture-lab-assignment format.

Because this is one of your major assessments, I expect you to prioritize this assessment.  Therefore,  extensions will only be given under dire circumstances and must be requested before Sunday 11/13 at 5pm.  With the copious amount of office hours, I expect you to work ahead.

    You must show work and R code.

    Due Tuesday 11/15 at 11:30am on GradeScope (within Canvas).

     Only typed assignments (ex. Made in Word or LaTeX) will be accepted.

    When you upload your assignment to GradeScope, you will have identify where in your scanned

file the solutions to each problem are.

    Assignments are considered late if they are submitted after 11:30am without an extension     Box, circle, or highlight your final answer for each question.

     In each of the following problems, show the set-up, show your work, use appropriate notation,

indicate the final numerical answer, and include any R code in your submission.

     If your final answer is not an integer, round it to four decimal places unless otherwise indicated.

You may ask questions regarding the wording of the problems or have us see if your code is doing what   you think it should be doing.  We will not be checking your answers.  Please attend office hours.  Email   Prof Krone (j[email protected]) or Uly ([email protected]) if you have questions outside of office          hours.  We cannot guarantee we will respond to emails sent after midnight on Sunday 11/13; this includes responses to threads started earlier.  Therefore, you need to start the project early to get help.

Office hours leading into project 1

Mon 11/7

Jacob              7:00-9:00pm  Urbauer 317B

Wed 11/9

Cassie            5:30-7:30pm  Urbauer 317B

Thurs 11/10

Prof Krone      10:00-11:00am Urbauer 308

Thurs 11/10

Ash                5:00-7:00pm  Urbauer 317B

Fri 11/11

Uly & Zoe



Urbauer 308

Fri 11/11

Jacob                 1:30pm-4:00pm Urbauer 308

Mon 11/14


Problems 1-2 (15 points total)

You and your friend love playing board games but never have enough time. You want to run a   test to figure out if Monopoly or Scrabble takes longer to play. Based on the expert opinion of   some Redditors, you believe the standard deviation in the playtime of both games is 15 minutes. You and your friends would change their favorite game if there was a difference of 10 or more  minutes. You want a power of 90% and a false alarm rate of 2%.

1.   (10 points) Complete everything you need to do to run this study. Note: At some point in the study process, you collected your data through crowdsourcing and put it in the Project1Data” Excel file.  After you complete the study, your 3rd friend wants to know what the power    would be to detect 20 minute difference in game playtime; why are you or are you not surprised?

2.    (5 points) Completely report the 97% confidence interval for the standard deviation of Monopoly playtime.

Problem 3 (7 points)

3.   While running your study, you also took happiness measurements for those who played Monopoly (see the “Project1Data_happy” Excel file).  You are interested in whether or not there is a linear relationship between Monopoly playtime (X) and happiness (Y).       Create a report to test your hypothesis with a Type I error of 6%.  Make sure to also       include a proper visualization to determine it is reasonable to run SLR, the regression    model, the coefficient of determination and its meaning, the sample correlation, a 81%  predication interval for when playtime is 100minutes, and a 85% confidence interval for the average happiness when playtime is 20min.

Problem 4 (8 points)

4.   You wonder what playing Monopoly with 3 dice would be like.

a.   (1 point) Calculate the expected value of the sum of rolling three dice.

b.   (2 points) Write a program that simulates rolling 3 dice randomly and summing them.  Set your seed at 10.  Hint: use a for loop

c.   (2 points) Run your simulation 1000 times and create a histogram.

d.   (1 point) Calculate the experimental average.

e.   (2 points) Run a univariate hypothesis test to see if the expected value and experimental average are different with a Type I error of 1%.