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Operating Systems Coursework 2


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Operating Systems Coursework 2 (30%)

1    General Rules

This assessment is covered under the the relevant sections of Lancaster Univer-

sity’s Manual of Academic Regulations and Procedures1, of particular relevance are the‘General Regulations for Assessment  and Award’and‘Academic  Mal- practice Regulations and Procedures’.

Late submissions will be downgraded as per these regulations.  This is an individual assessment, so your work must be your own. Remember: if you are unsure about whether something constitutes academic misconduct, it is better to ask than to guess.

Questions about the assessment should be submitted to James via email. For fairness, the (anonymised) question and answer will then be sent via email to the entire cohort.

2    Task

Your task is to implement the version of malloc described in the lectures. This should be implemented using Java. You should provide a single Java class called MemoryMgmt which provides the following methods:

malloc(int size), which allocates a chunk of memory sized size. This function returns an integer representing a pointer to the start of the dynamically-allocated chunk of memory.   You can assume the total amount of memory available to the system is 8192 bytes (8KB). Any requests above this point should trigger a call to your implementation of sbrk(), detailed below.

free(int ptr), which frees the memory chunk pointed to by ptr, coalescing it into the free memory around it. This function does not return anything. Multiple calls to free on the same pointer should trigger an exception.

sbrk(int size), which returns a new array of memory (the length should be the smallest power of two larger than size), and an integer representing the base pointer of the new chunk of memory.   You should not assume that each new chunk of memory will be allocated contiguously.

print(), which runs a series of tests on your code and prints the outputs to stdout in an easily-readable manner.

2.1    Further information

• Java does not have a pointer type you can use, so you will need to do the pointer arithmetic manually.

• You are not permitted to use unsafe methods or built-in dynamic alloca- tion functionality, other than to allocate a new chunk of memory inside your implementation of sbrk.

• You are also not permitted to use built-in system calls to the OS: you must implement the memory management by hand (i.e. you cannot just wrap system calls to malloc/sbrk in a Java le).

• You can assume the code will be run sequentially, so you do not have to consider issues relating to concurrent access to the memory etc.

• Your code will be tested on the  SCC VMs,  so ensure your code runs correctly from there.

• You are required to provide build.sh and run.sh shell scripts to build and run your code respectively.

• During testing, I may override one of your methods (for example, sbrk) to test the robustness of your implementation.

2.2    Tests

Your print() function should run a series of tests on your code. At each stage of the test, you should print out the pointers in your system and what you are doing. At a minimum, these tests need to include the following:

a.  Request a chunk of memory of size 28 bytes. Store a string in it. Retrieve the string. Free the memory.

b.  Request three chunks of memory (in the following order), sizes: 28 bytes,

1024 bytes, 28 bytes. Free the 1024 bytes. Request another chunk of 512 bytes. Free all the remaining chunks.

c.  Request a chunk of memory of size 7168 bytes. Request another chunk of

1024 bytes. Free all the chunks.

d.  Request a chunk of memory of size 1024 bytes.  Request another of 28 bytes. Free the 28 bytes. Free the 28 bytes again.

2.3    Example output

One possible output from a call to print() could be as follows, given a test which requests 1024 bytes twice, frees the rst one, then requests another 1024 bytes, before requesting 10KB, freeing all the pointers, then freeing the original pointer for a second time.

Running test number 7...

HEAD pointer: 0x0080

Requesting 1024 bytes of memory... memory allocated.

Pointer: 0x001A

Requesting 1024 bytes of memory... memory allocated.

Pointer: 0x0420

Freeing pointer 0x001A ... memory freed.

Requesting 1024 bytes of memory... memory allocated.

Pointer: 0x0824

Requesting 10240 bytes of memory...

Memory limit exceeded, requesting further memory blocks... memory allocated.

Pointer: 0x209A

Freeing pointer 0x209A ... memory freed.

Freeing pointer 0x0824 ... memory freed.

Freeing pointer 0x0420 ... memory freed.

Freeing pointer 0x001A ... Exception triggered in thread. Exiting.

3    Demonstration

During the week 10 lab session, you will be allocated a 5mins slot to give a one-on-one demonstration of your code.  During this time you should quickly present your approach to the problem, and demonstrate its functionality on the lab computers. James will then ask a few questions about your implementation.

4    Submission

You should submit  one  hle  for coursework  2.   This is a zip or tar.gz file containing all your code and scripts for building/running the code. I will extract your compressed archive and run build.sh, followed by run.sh.  If the code does not build/run, you will likely not get any marks for that component.

For your demonstration,  you must present the same code that you have submitted to Moodle. If there are any changes between the two pieces of code, you will receive a 0 mark for the assessment.

Do  not  include  your  name  anywhere  on  your  submission,  your work  will  be  marked  anonymously.   You should, however, include your Lancaster student number as the author in any comments in your code.

The coursework will be marked, and feedback provided, within 4 working weeks of submission.  Be sure to familiarise yourself with the marking rubric available at the end of this document. The allocation of marks is dependent on the features implemented in your code.