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Econ 4550 – Game Theory with Economic Applications Final Exam


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Econ 4550 – Game Theory with Economic Applications

Final Exam

May 31, 2022

Question 1.     (18 points)

Consider the following game

Player 1




Player 2

W                 X                   Y                   Z

5, 10

10, 20

15, 0

10, 10

10, 15

15, 8

20, 5

12, 9

12, 5

0, 7

0, 15

15, 8

a.   (8 marks) Use IEDS to simplify the game as much as possible

b.   (10 marks) In the simplified game, find all Nash equilibria, including mixed-strategy Nash equilibria.

Question 2.     (30 points)

Two profit-maximizing firms, 1 and 2, produce the same product and compete in the same market. Together they face a demand:

P = 24 − q1  q2

The two firms choose output to maximize own profits, and they choose q1  and q2 sequentially : firm 1 sets q1 first, and firm 2 observes this decision then sets q2 .

a.   (10 marks) Suppose that both firms have zero cost. Find the subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium.

Now suppose that, firm 2’s cost is still zero, but firm 1’s marginal cost is zero with probability 0.5,    and is $6 per unit with probability 0.5. Firm 1 knows its own cost, but firm 2 does NOT observe firm 1’s cost. Firm 2 knows this probability distribution.

b.   (4 marks) Draw the game tree.

c.   (4 marks) Is this game a perfect or imperfect information game? Use one or two sentences to explain briefly. Can you use backward induction to solve this game?

d.   (12 marks) Find the subgame-perfect Nash equilibrium and the two firms’ output.

Question 3.     (24 points)


Player 1

Player 2

C                  D

3, 5

x, 16

6, 9

6, 0

In the above normal form game, x is a random variable uniformly distributed between 0 and 12.   Player 1 knows the true value of x, but player 2 does not know the value of x . Player 2 only knows the probability distribution of x .

a.   (2 marks) When player 1 chooses A, what is player 2’s best response?

b.   (2 marks) When player 1 chooses B, what is player 2’s best response?

c.   (2 marks) When player 2 chooses C, what is player 1’s best response?

d.   (4 marks) When player 2 chooses D, what is player 1’s best response?

e.   (6 marks) Find the Nash equilibrium where player 2 chooses C. Explain briefly why it is a Nash equilibrium.

f.    (8 marks) Is there a Nash equilibrium where player 2 chooses D? Explain why it is or it is not a Nash equilibrium.

Question 4.     (17 points)

Consider a 1st-price common-value auction with two bidders. The true value of the object is Y =      y1  + y2, where yi  is bidder i’s estimate of Y . The two bidders are not sure about the value Y,     because yi  is bidder i’s private information. y1  and y2  are independently and uniformly distributed on [0, 20], and a bidder knows her own estimate, but does not know the other bidder’s estimate.

She only knows that the other bidder’s estimate is uniformly distributed on [0, 20]. The two bidders simultaneously submit bids. The one who bids higher wins and pays her own bid. Suppose bidder 2 uses the bidding strategy b2  (y2) = ay2, where a is a constant number which is publicly known.

a.   What is bidder 1’s optimal bidding strategy?