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Stats 21 Final Exam Description


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Stats 21 Final Exam Description

Finals week Wed Dec 7, 2022 3 – 6PM

Exam is open note / open book. You may use any notes I have created for this class. You may use any of

your *own* homework submissions.

Official Python documentation sites:

-    The Python Language Reference Python 3.10.2 documentation

o Example Google search that does not break rules:

▪    insert item into a list site:docs.python.org

-    NumPy Reference NumPy v1.22 Manual

o Example Google search that does not break rules:

▪    matrix of ones site:numpy.org

-    API reference pandas 1.4.1 documentation (pydata.org)

o Example Google search that does not break rules:

▪    date index site:pandas.pydata.org

-    Matplotlib: Python plotting Matplotlib 3.4.2 documentation

o Example Google search that does not break rules:

▪    change symbol in scatterplot site:matplotlib.org

You can look up existing questions that already exist on stackexchange.

You cannot post questions related to the exam on sites like stackexchange,  chegg, etc. No collaboration allowed.

Do not share the exam file with anyone. Do not post or distribute the exam file on any site, including github, bitbucket, or coursehero.

Exams are synchronous and proctored via Zoom (webcam on, mics muted).

I will provide a Jupyter Notebook .ipynb file with the questions. I’ll also upload any necessary data.

Final exam topics

No material from week 9 or week 10 will be on the Final exam. No SQL. No statsmodels. No scikit learn. Two parts:

-      Data manipulation, summarizing, visualization with Pandas and Matplotlib

-      Python programming: functions and classes

Data manipulation, summarizing, visualization with Pandas and Matplotlib

Recommended: review lectures covering Numpy, Pandas, matplotlib, seaborn,

I will provide a csv file. You will read it in with Pandas.

I will ask you do several tasks with the data, which could include any of the following:

-      Change the index

-      Create a date-based index

-      Reindex the data and fill-in missing values or remove missing values

-      Subset the data based on variable criteria

-      Group the variable based on one variable and calculate the mean or some other summary statistic for each group

-      Create a new column using a calculation based on other variables

-      Calculate the correlation between variables

-      Create a line plot for numeric variables, possibly multiple numeric variables, with legend

-      Create a stacked or side-by-side barplot for categorical variables

-     Ask you to use a function that was not explicitly taught in class. I will provide the name of the     function and you should be able to find the appropriate help page, read about the function, and be able to use it.

-     Ask you to explain or elaborate findings

Python Programming: functions and classes

Recommended: review lectures covering object-oriented programming, lectures on strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries

I will ask you to write a few functions that will take in arguments, perform a task, and output something. They can cover a range of topics, but I especially recommend familiarizing yourself with methods and      attributes associated with strings, tuples, lists, and dictionaries.

I will give you instructions to create a class definition that incorporates a few of Python’s double-under methods like: __init__, __str__, __lt__, __add__, __len__, __getitem__, etc.