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BME558: Introduction to Brain-Machine Interfaces Homework 4


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BME558:  Introduction to Brain-Machine Interfaces

Homework 4

As a neural engineer, you have been given the task of designing a robotic device for a brain-machine interface. Your first step is to create MATLAB/Simulink code to calculate the joint angles of a robotic arm with 2 DOF given the desired endpoint.

1)  Write either a MATLAB function or Simulink model to calculate the endpoint position coordinates given the joint angles using the Forward Kinematics equations we derived in class.

2)  Write either a MATLAB function or Simulink model to calculate the joint angles given the endpoint position coordinates using the Inverse Kinematics equations we discussed in class.

3)   Given l1=l2=2, what are the joint angles for the following desired endpoint position coordinates? Use simple drawings to show position of the arm.

a.   (x, y) = (+3, +1.5)

b.   (x, y) = (-2, -3)

c.   (x, y) = (+1, -2)

d.   (x, y) = (- 1, +2)

4)  Use the Forward Kinematics code you developed in Question 1 to check your work.

Please submit your HW in Canvas under Assignments” or by email togmcconne@stevens.edu