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ECE 2020 Fall 2022 HW11


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ECE 2020 Fall 2022 HW11

1.    Consider the following circuit, with parameters: Vo = 12V, R1 = 0.4Ω, R2 = 1.2Ω, L = 0.1H and C = 0.1F.

a.    Find the initial voltage across the capacitor and the initial current through the inductor.

b.    Determine the time-domain response of the voltage across the capacitor, after the switch opens, at t =0; i.e. find vC (t) for t ≥ 0.

c.    Determine the time-domain expression for the current through the inductor, i.e. find iL (t) for t ≥ 0.

2.    Select a value for the capacitor in the circuit below, such that vC (t) has a:

a.    Critically damped response

b.    Overdamped response

c.    Underdamped response