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PSY3033 Statistical Methods in Psychology II 2022-2023, 1st Term


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PSY3033 Statistical Methods in Psychology II

Take-home Assignment 2

(Due date:  11:59 pm, 8 Dec 2022 (Thu))


1. Please submit your assignment (in the format of PDF file) to Moodle by 11:59 pm, 8 Dec 2022 (Thu).

2. Please also submit a hard copy of your assignment by putting it into the pigeon hole of “Dr Kwan Lok Yin Joyce” located outside PS department (D1-2/F-26) within three days after the submission deadline. The hard copy of your assignment must be the SAME as the one which you have uploaded to Moodle. No mark will be given if different copies are submitted.

3. The timestamp of your submission in Moodle will be counted as your final submission time. Marks will be deducted for any late submission without prior approval and/or a valid reason. A 7-day grace period (1st to 7th days after the stipulated deadline) will be given to students. Assignment submitted within the grace period will be penalized. Assignment submitted after the grace period (i.e. the 8th day onwards) will NOT be accepted.

4. Please TYPE your answer. Handwritten answer is NOT accepted.

5. When you answer the question, DO NOT simply put down the SPSS output. NO mark will be given to any SPSS output without your own interpretation. Do NOT print out all SPSS output unless you are told to do so.

6. Statistical results should be reported in APA style. As a general rule of thumb, “use two or three decimal places and report exact values for all p values greater than .001. For p values smaller than .001, report them as p < .001”. You may visit the following link (https://www.scribbr.com/apa-style/numbers-and-statistics/) for more tips on how to report numbers and statistics in APA style.

7. Use α = .05 whenever appropriate.

Question 1 (13 points)

Chou et al (2019) conducted a study to examine the moderating effect of self-esteem on the relation between perfectionism and creative thinking in collegiate dancers. In their study, self-esteem was found to moderate the effect of perfectionism on creative thinking. In a hypothetical study, a researcher has examined the relation between perfectionism and creative thinking in a group of collegiate musicians. The SPSS data file of this hypothetical study “hw2q1-2022.sav” can be downloaded in Moodle, and the data file includes the following variables:




Participant ID


Centered Score; Higher score, more perfectionistic


Centered Score; Higher score, higher self-esteem

Creative thinking

Higher score, more creative thinking

Using SPSS, conduct a moderation analysis and answer the following questions:

a. Using the information in the “Coefficients” table from SPSS, complete the following estimated regression equation of the moderation model of creative thinking in collegiate musicians. (2 points)

Predicted score of creative thinking = ___________________________________

b. A reviewer has questioned about the issue of multicollinearity in this study. How would you address this question if you were the researcher? (1 point)

c. Did self-esteem significantly moderate the relation between perfectionism and creative thinking in collegiate musicians? (3 points)

d. Based on the results of the analysis, complete the following table and plot a graph to illustrate the relationship between perfectionism and creative thinking at low level (M – 1SD) and high level (M + 1SD) of self-esteem in collegiate musicians (4 points).



Predicted Creative thinking

Low (M – 1SD)

Low (M – 1SD)


Low (M – 1SD)

High (M + 1SD)


High (M + 1SD)

Low (M – 1SD)


High (M + 1SD)

High (M + 1SD)


e. What is your conclusion about the relation between perfectionism and creative thinking in collegiate musicians? (2 points)

The following figure (Figure 1) shows the relation between perfectionism and creative thinking found in collegiate dancers in the study of Chou et al (2019) (Figure 1, p. 195):

Figure 1

The Moderating Effect of Self-esteem in Collegiate Dancers (Extracted from Chou et al (2019))


f. Based on the plot provided above, compare and contrast the relation between perfectionism and creative thinking in high self-esteem and low self-esteem performers found in collegiate dancers and musicians (1 points)

Question 2 (20 points)

Blinka & Mikuška (2014) studied the role of social factors in online addictive gaming. In their study, they found that social factors such as social motivation, social self-efficacy, and peer attachment were modestly associated to online addictive gaming among massively multiplayer online (MMO) gamers. In a similar study, a researcher has examined if social factors may also account for online game addiction in country ABC and if the relations between social factors and online game addiction depends on age. The following figure (Figure 2) shows the hypothesized model of the researcher:

Figure 2

Hypothesized Model of Online Game Addiction

The researcher has collected data from 217 MMO gamers and the data file includes the following variables:



Age group

0 = adolescent; 1 = young adult

Play time

play time in hours

Peer attachment

higher scores, stronger perceived attachment formed with other players within the MMOs

Social motivation

higher scores, higher motivation

Social self-efficacy

higher scores, higher self-efficacy

Online game addiction

higher scores, higher risk of addiction  

The SPSS data file “hw2q2-2022.sav” can be downloaded in Moodle.

The researcher has instructed her assistant to use the principle shown below to separate the predictors into different blocks and conduct a hierarchical regression analysis on online game addiction:


Variable(s) Entered


Control variable


Social Factors (Independent variables)




Interaction term(s)

Assume you were the research assistant, conduct the hierarchical regression analysis in SPSS and answer the following questions:

a. Which variable was the control variable in this study? (0.5 point)

b. Which variable was the moderator in this study? (0.5 point)

c. Did the relations between social factors and online game addiction depend on age? (3 points)

d. Which model will you choose as the final model? Explain and support your answers by reporting the appropriate statistical test results (4 points)

e. Based on Model 3,

i. Was there a significant overall regression effect? (2 point) How much variance of online game addiction was explained by this model? (1 point)

ii. Comment on the effects of peer attachment, social motivation, and social efficacy on online game addiction (6 points)

iii. Compare adolescents with young adults, which group of gamers have higher risk of addiction? Justify your answer with the appropriate statistics (2 points)

iv. In your opinion, are play time or social factors more crucial in predicting the risk of online game addiction? Justify your answer with the appropriate statistics (1 point)

Question 3 (14 points)

A developmental psychologist has studied the effects of “helicopter parenting” on college students’ satisfaction with life. The following figure shows the hypothesized parallel mediation model of this study.

To test the model, data was collected from 300 college students. The following table provides the description of the variables:



Possible range


Helicopter parenting; higher score, more helicopter parenting behaviors



Basic Needs Satisfaction (Autonomy);  higher scores, higher satisfaction



Basic Needs Satisfaction (Competence); higher scores, higher satisfaction



Basic Needs Satisfaction (Relatedness); higher scores, higher satisfaction



Satisfaction with Life; higher scores, higher satisfaction


The SPSS data file “hw2q3-2022.sav” can be downloaded in Moodle.

Using the SPSS data provided, conduct the four regression analyses below:

Regression 1: bns_a = a10 + a1hcp + e1 

Regression 2: bns_c = a20 + a2hcp + e2

Regression 3: bns_r = a30 + a3hcp + e3

Regression 4: swl = b0 + c’hcp + b1bns_a + b2bns_c + b3bns_r + e4

a. Based on the results of the regression analyses, complete the following figure (Figure 3) to illustrate the relations among helicopter parenting, basic needs satisfaction, and satisfaction with life. In the figure, you have to (i) give a title to the figure, (ii) put down the unstandardized coefficient on each path, and (iii) flag the statistical significance of the paths by using asterisk * (where * = p < .05, ** = p < .01, *** =  p < .001). For example, the unstandardized coefficient of path b3 = 1.002, and the test of the regression path coefficient has a p-value of .021, you will insert “1.00*” next to path b3.  (7 points)

Figure 3



Note. Unstandardized path coefficients are shown. * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001

b. Using PROCESS Model 4 in SPSS, the psychologist has tested the significance of the indirect effects from helicopter parenting to satisfaction with life through basic needs satisfaction using the bootstrap approach. The following shows the table created by the psychologist for reporting the results. Using the results in part (a), help the psychologist to complete Table 1 (4 points).   

Table 1

Direct and Indirect effects from Helicopter Parenting to Satisfaction with Life.




95% BCI

Direct effect




 hcp -> swl (c’)



(-1.31, 0.43)

Indirect effect




  hcp -> bns_a  -> swl (a1b1)



(-0.52, 0.31)

  hcp -> bns_c  -> swl (a2b2)



(-1.35, -0.31)

     hcp ->  bns_r ->  swl (a3b3)



(-0.47, -0.02)

Note. Est = unstandardized estimate of the effect; BSE = boostrap standard errror, 95% BCI = 95% percentile bootstrap confidence interval of unstandardized effect based on 5000 bootstrap samples. hcp = helicopter parenting, bns_a = basic needs satisfaction (autonomy), bns_c = basic needs satisfaction (competence), bns_r = basic needs satisfaction (relatedness), swl = satisfaction with life

c. Combining your answers of part (a) and part (b), what is your conclusion about the relation between helicopter parenting and college students’ satisfaction with life? In your answer, you should (i) identify the significant mediator(s) and elaborate the direction of the relations between the variables (3 points).