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Sample Placement Exams for Placement out of CSCI-UA.101


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Sample Placement Exams for Placement out of CSCI-UA.101:

Topics Covered by the Java Placement Exam

The Java version of the placement exam covers the following topics:

    Control structures:  if statements,  switch statement, for , while and  do . . .while loops.

Simple and multi-dimensional array

Object oriented design

    class design and use


    reference and object manipulation

   static vs. instance data fields and methods

   arrays of objects

    inheritance and polymorphism

   abstract classes

Exception handling

File I/O


Students should also be familiar with the basic Java classes like String , Scanner , ArrayList<E> , File ,

wrapper classes ( Integer ,  Float ,  Character) and the Comparable<E> interface.

Reference: any book on Java programming and object oriented design.

Sample Questions for the Java Placement Exam

1.  Show the output of the following code:

public class Test{

public static void main ( String [] args ) {

int [] a = { 1, 2 };

swap ( a[0], a[1]);

System .out .println(a[0] + "  " + a[1] );


public static void swap ( int n1, int n2 ) {

int temp = n1;

n1 = n2;

n2 = temp;



2.  What is the output of running the class C.

public class C {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Object o1 = new A();

Object o2 = new B();

System .out .print(o1);

System .out .print(o2);



class A extends B {

public String toString() {

return "A";



class B {

public 2本人工ua toString() {

return "B":

3.  Write a Java class bo工u本 that represents (x,y) point in a plane. The class should implement

Co山bg人gp丁e<bo工u> interface. The points should be compared based on their distance from the origin (point (0,0)). The distance from the origin can be computed using distance= $$\sqrt{x^{2}+y^{2}}$$.

Your class should implement all methods needed for the following code to compile and run successfully:

guqo = new guqo山:

bou [] 山入bou2 = new bou [T0]:

for (int  = 0 < 山入bo工u本2 .丁eua本p: 工++)

山入bou2 [工] = new bo工u本(人 .uex本Donp丁e()、  人 .uex本Donp丁e() ):

V人g入2 .2o人本(山入bo工u本2):

You do not need to provide any additional methods.

4.  Write a method that, given an array of C工人c丁e objects, sorts the circles from smallest to largest. Assume that the C工人c丁e class is defined as follows:

public class Circle {

private float gqn2:

public Circle ( float  ) {

if ( >=0 ) 人gqn2 = 人:

else 人gq工n2 = T:

public float getRadius() {

return gqn2:

public int compareTo( C工人ce c ) {

if (人gqn2 == c .人gqn2 ) return 0

else if (人gq工n2 < c .人gq工n2 ) return -T:

else return T:

You should use the following signature for the method:

 void sortCircles ( C工人c丁e [] c工人c丁e2 )

You can use any sorting algorithm we discussed.