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ECON1210 Introductory Microeconomics Final Examination 2022


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ECON1210 Introductory Microeconomics

Final Examination


1.  My university ID number is [ Answer01 ].

2.  The equations below show Calvin’s estimated per-month benefit of watching n movies on an online movie platform.  (Assume that n can take only integer values.)

Total benet (dollars): Marginal benet (dollars): Average benet (dollars):

TB (n) = 425n u 7n2

Upon paying a monthly subscription fee of 45 dollars, Calvin will be eligible to watch any movie at P dollars per movie. If Calvin decides to watch 28 movies per month under the scheme, then we can infer that the price per movie (P) is less than or equal to [ Answer02A ] dollars and more than [ Answer02B ] dollars.

3. Ken is planning on how many economics and nance courses to take in his undergraduate years. He is free to allocate 15 courses among these two areas. Assume that the number of courses is perfectly divisible (e.g. 3.14 courses). Ken’s benefits from taking economics and nance courses are:

Average benet of taking economics courses: Marginal benet of taking economics courses: Average benet of taking nance courses: Marginal benet of taking nance courses:

AB (n) = 170 u 1.5n

where n and m are the number of economics courses and the number of nance courses respectively. We predict that Ken would take [ Answer03A ] economics courses and [ Answer03B ] finance courses.

4.  Consider Harris’s decision on the number of camping trips in a year. Suppose Harris’s total benefit (in dollars) from n camping trips in the coming year can be described by the following function:

TB (n) = 1324^n

For example, the total benefit of 4 camping trips is 1324^4 = 2648 dollars. Suppose, at the beginning

of every year, he has to spend 500 dollars to refurbish his camping gear, and the cost (transportation, etc.) is 175 dollars per trip. Based on this information, we expect Harris to do [ Answer04 ] camping trips in the coming year.  (Assume that the number of camping trips can only be integers.)

5.  China and Russia both can produce coal and mobile phone. The table below shows their productivity (units of the goods per month).


Mobile phone

China Russia





Suppose China and Russia fully specialize and trade according to the principle of comparative advantages. We might conclude that the best term of trade that Russia can reasonably ask for is [ Answer05 ] unit(s) of mobile phone per unit of coal.

Please refer to the background information below to answer the following two questions.

Consider the following individual production possibilities curves for Stephen and Paul to perform clutch and brake replacements (not drawn to scale), where a = 234, b = 468, c = 234, d = 117.

6. If one standard maintenance service includes one clutch replacement and two brake replacement, if they work separately, they can perform in total [ Answer06 ] standard maintenance services (can be non-integer).

7.  Continue with the previous question, if they work together, they can perform in total [ Answer07 ] PERCENT MORE standard maintenance services than working separately.

8.  Clara, Kant, and Leo can produce hats and ties. The table below shows their time required to produce a hat and their time required to produce a tie (in minutes).

Minutes per hat

Minutes per tie





15 00

11 54




Assume each of them works ten hours per day. If they decide to jointly produce a total of 69 hats, they can produce a maximum of [ Answer08 ] ties in a day. (Assume that production quantity can take non-integer values.)

Please refer to the background information below to answer the following two questions.

There are two groups of consumers, A and B, for good X with the following demand relations respectively:

Group A:    P = 677 u 0.4Q

Group B: P = 723 u 0.1Q

The market supply is

P = 338.5 + 0.4Q

where P is price per unit of good X (in dollars), and Q is quantity of good X.

9.  Suppose the market is free of government intervention. We can compute that the market equilibrium price is [ Answer09A ] dollars per unit, and the market equilibrium quantity is [ Answer09B ] units.

10.  Suppose for national security reason, the central planner forces the economy to reduce the production of good X by 50% of the market equilibrium level. We will expect a welfare loss of [ Answer10 ] dollars when compared to the market without intervention.

11. How many of the following statements is(are) correct?

(i) The demand curve of an inferior good can be upward sloping.

(ii) Consider an inferior good X. If the price of its substitute (good Y) rises, the demand curve of X will

shift rightward.

(iii) Consumer surplus equals additional units demanded beyond what sellers produce at a price.

(iv) In a perfectly competitive market with positive external benet (but zero external cost), the social

optimum does not occur at the point where excess demand and excess supply are both exactly zero.

A)  0

B) 1

C) 2

D) 3

E) 4

[ Answer11 ]

12. Consider downward-sloping demand curve and upward-sloping supply curve and initial positive equilibrium price and quantity. Assume initially there is no government intervention of any kind (e.g., tax, subsidy, price ceiling and price oor). How many of the following statements is(are) correct?

(i) A rightward shift in demand raises total consumer surplus.

(ii) A rightward shift in supply raises sellers total revenue if demand is price inelastic over the relevant

price range.

(iii) A leftward shift in supply reduces total producer surplus.

(iv) Establishing a price oor above the market equilibrium price will always reduce the sellersrevenue.

A)  0

B)  1

C)  2

D)  3

E) 4

[ Answer12 ]

13. How many of the following statements is(are) correct?

(i) We would expect the supply of ivory to be more price elastic than the supply of Coca Cola.


If the income elasticity of demand for good X and Y is -0.2, X is an inferior good.


Driver Jerry says, “Id like to spend an expenditure of $10 on gas no matter what.” We infer that

Jerrys price elasticity of demand for gas is negative