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CHEM 235 Fall 2022


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Organic Chemistry Semester I Research Topic Paper 

CHEM 235 Fall 2022

The goal of this assignment is to help you become familiar with the published scientific literature that is of current interest to organic chemists doing research.  You will need to select an article published within that last 12 months from The Journal of Organic Chemistry.  You will need to thoroughly read this article and write a short 2- to 3-page summary describing the results of the published work.  For more information, see the appropriately labeled sections below.

Gaining Access to the Journal:  The UWO-Fox Cities school library has access to The Journal of Organic Chemistry (JOC), as well as many other ACS and scientific journals, via electronic access.  For more help getting access to journals, feel free to contact the very helpful librarians.  A short step-by-step procedure to access the JOC is provided below.

For you to get to articles from this journal, you must be accessing the library’s web page.  If you are accessing this site off campus, you will probably need to sign in with your UWO credentials to get access to the journals.  To get to the appropriate journal, go to the library’s main page (http://www.uwosh.edu/library; make sure it says Fox Cities or Fond du Lac Library, as appropriate, at the top of the screen under the UW Oshkosh Libraries title).  From the left of center, about 1/3rd the way down the page, select Databases, a searchable electronic database of many of the journals and other resources to which the library has access.  Search the list to find American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals.  Select this link and a search page, titled ACS Publications, will open.  Within the Filter by Title Initial list on the left, select J.  Then find The Journal of Organic Chemistry from the list in the middle of the page and select it.  A page will pop up titled JOC, The Journal of Organic Chemistry.  Just below this title should be a blue box titled List of Issues.  Clicking this link will bring up a page of issues published by month, starting with the most recent.  Note that there are generally two issues published per month, each with several articles.

Choosing the article:  You must choose an article from The Journal of Organic Chemistry published within the last 12 months.  To help narrow down the choices for you, the article chosen must come from an issue published in the month of your birthday (note that the articles in the issue selected may not necessarily have publication dates of the month of your birthday, which is OK; also note that if your birthday issues for this year haven’t been published yet, you may choose the issues from last year of the appropriate month).  Select an issue from the correct month and peruse the articles until you find one that catches your interest.  Notice on the issue page that there are links to the article PDF files and more.  It would be to your benefit to download your article as a PDF.  Once you have the file, you can view it on any computer, even those at home, if you save it to a flash drive or email it to yourself.  Any article is appropriate from the journal if it has a synthesis scheme of at least one compound, and the produced material(s) have some sort of useful purpose (a new drug to combat cancer, for example).  A good example of an acceptable article would be by Maruti Mali, Gangavaram V. M. Sharma, Subhash Ghosh, Thierry Roisnel, Bertrand Carboni, and Fabienne Berrée J. Org. Chem. 2022, 87, 12, 7649-7657.

Expectations of Writing:  The paper must be typed, with 1-inch margins, single-spaced, in Times New Roman or Arial font size 11, and be 2-3 pages long (excluding any diagrams or drawings).  Any additional references (a good idea, to help you understand your article!) that you use should be listed in a bibliography at the end of the paper (again, this does not count toward your 2-3 pages), and proper citations must be used throughout the article.  Please see your syllabus or the link on the course Canvas site to find access to the ACS style guild for information on proper scientific journal citation.

With respect to what should be put into your paper, you should include at least (1) what was the purpose of this synthesis (i.e. is this an alternative synthesis with better yields? a brand new one?), (2) what goal does the synthesis of this product(s) serve (i.e. anti-cancer treatment? new type of varnish?), (3) a discussion of the steps of the actual synthesis, including appropriate, coordinated BioviaDraw, MarvinDraw, or ACD/Chem Sketch diagrams of said synthesis (use the paper itself as a guide for how to display this, but DO NOT copy and paste them from the article into your paper!  Draw them yourself!), (4) a brief identification of the types of techniques used to analyze the compound(s) as proof of what was made (look for melting/boiling points, Rf values, NMR, IR, [a]o, combustion analysis, etc.), (5) any unusual challenges that the researchers may have found as they did their work, and (6) a double-sided, stapled, easy-to-read copy (meaning normal print size and not written all over) of the PDF file of the research article you chose attached to your written paper via paperclip.

Additional Comments:  A couple of things to keep in mind as you are writing this paper.

· While this paper is only worth 30 points (the same as the value of the homework sets), it should still be treated as a professional paper.  The points given for this paper will reflect the amount of work I feel you put in.  While there are several requirements to complete this assignment (see above), the grading for this work is very subjective.  Only the best papers will receive the best grades.

· Exercise some caution when selecting an article.  Some can be extremely challenging with respect to the amount of work/details provided, especially with the reaction schemes.

· With respect to the synthesis, I expect only that you can tell what is happening from one step of the reaction to the next, not necessarily be able to name or completely understand that mechanism for each step.  Recognizing what is happening is more important at this point than why it is happening.  This can usually be easily determined by looking at a reactant, then the product, and identifying what has changed (for example, an –OH group is now missing, or a C=C bond has formed).  In your writing, you should describe the synthesis of each step, and show the corresponding step in your diagram.  Follow the articles layout when it comes to writing what happens in the reaction and relating it to your reaction schemes.

· A detailed discussion is not needed for the analytical techniques of the compound(s), just a comment on what techniques were used is all that is required.