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DATABASE IS 3400 Current Event Game Project


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DATABASE IS 3400 Current Event Game Project

The objective of the Current Events game is to help students who are enrolled in my classes to discover, read, and discuss current IT events written in articles available on the Internet.  The game will be run in several classes each semester for several years, and at several different colleges (BGSU, TGU, others).  You will develop a database to store data for the game to use.  Students will play the game using a cell phone app that I will make on my own, your task is to build the database to store all the data that the game will use.

Each student team (A1…H1) will create their own unique database. It will be unique because your team decides what data will be stored.  Maybe one idea is to record data about the sex of the submitter should be stored, maybe another idea is to record the time of day of the submission should be stored, and a third idea is to store the number of pictures in the article should be stored. These are just three examples of ideas.  There are many ideas that you might consider.  

  Do not share your ideas with other teams.  If two teams have the same idea they split the points.  

You can discuss your ideas and ask questions of me via Voov after class or using WeChat during other times. Please keep in mind the time differences.  Ask good questions, see which ideas I like and do not like.  I am the end user, make me happy with your database. Make your project the most valuable one that I could buy.

Evaluation will be based on
  technical sophistication of your database—is it simple or sophisticated
  quality of your unique ideas—unimportant or very valuable
  interaction with the client—no good questions or excellent questions

I have included below some Use Cases, some examples of the data I expect to use.  Included is data I use at the beginning of the semester to set up the game, data during a given week--which I call a round--of the semester, data I use at the end of the semester to make student grades, and data each student will need each week to play the game.

Turn In  December 7th.
  In a Word document, describe your unique ideas and explain why you like these ideas.  Include in this document an image of your Access database E-R diagram.  Power Designer is not necessary.

  Implement your design in Access with appropriate keys, attributes, and relationships.  Populate the new database with a minimum of three records for each table.  

  Create several queries that demonstrate the value of your design and your ideas.

Prototype Presentation
  Your team will create a short presentation of your ideas.  This presentation will demonstrate and explain your ideas.  This 3 minute PowerPoint presentation will focus on three areas. First, describe your new ideas, that is, explain how the proposed system will incorporate your new features. Second, specify how your ideas will improve the game. Third, explain your unique queries that demonstrate the value of your ideas.

  Record your presentation and upload it to Canvas.  At least three students will speak. It is due the same time as the project.