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STSCI 5060 HW4 2022


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STSCI 5060 HW4

Due 11/30/2022

This homework is composed of classroom/lab practices. When coding, you should use appropriate indentations and leave at least one blank line between different code sections. Your code should   start with the following comments:

/* Fall 2022 STSCI 5060 HW4           */

/* Student Name: First_Name Last_Name */

/* NetID                               */

For each question, you should start something like below to mark the beginning of a question and every output. If the comments and/or titles are missing, up to 5  points will be taken.

title "Question 1";

title2 "Output 1";


•   Only use the data files that I posted on the course website (under the Data Module) for this homework. Do not use the built-in SAS data sets since these may have been modified           already.

•   Create a libref called HW4 to store all your files.

You should wait after all your code is working and run it to produce an HTML output at once. You  are required to submit your SAS code (HW4_LastName_FirstName.sas) and your HTML output        (HW4_HTML_LastName_FirstName.html) to the course website, which should be compressed into one single file, HW4_LastName_FirstName.7z.

1.   Create a report that displays the employee identification number of current Level III and      Level IV sales staff hired in 2004, who made at least one sale by the end of 2005. The            Order_fact table contains information on all sales, and the Sales table contains information about current sales employees, including job titles and hire dates. (10 points)

2.   Think about how you can use three columns to display the employee numbers, job codes,    and salaries of all mechanics working for an airline respectively. The mechanic job has three levels and there is a separate table containing data for the mechanics at each level:                Mechanicslevel1, Mechanicslevel2, and Mechanicslevel3. These tables all contain the same three columns. Write your PROC SQL code to realize it. (10 points)

3.   Code the following business situation: You want to display vertically the following                   summarized data for members of a frequent-flyer program: total points earned, total points used, and total miles traveled. All three values can be calculated from columns in the table  Frequentflyers by using summary functions. How about if you just want to display these       results horizontally? (15 points)

4.   Create a simple index on the Employee_ID column of the Employee_addresses table and a    composite index on city, state, and country columns of the Employee_addresses table. Write a query to find out the employees (including all the columns) who are in Miami-Dade in       Florida by using “City='Miami-Dade' and state='FL'” in the WHERE clause; you should only      output the first 10 rows. Find out if any index was used in your query; include this                 information as a footnote in the output (hint: use the MSGLEVEL=I system option to show if an index is used and you find out this index usage info from the SAS log). (20 points)

5.   You have the following business scenario: Tom is a sales manager (Manager_ID=120102) who frequently needs access to personnel information for his direct reports, including name, job   title, salary, and years of service. The data Tom needs can be obtained from these tables:        Employee_Addresses, Employee_Payroll, and Employee_Organization. You are required to     create a view, Tom_V, containing personnel information for Tom’s direct reports to provide   the information that Tom needs while avoiding inadvertent access to data for employees        who do not report to him. In your view, use an alias “Name” and format=$25. for                      Employee_Name, and an alias “Title” and format=$15. for Job_Title; use a label “Annual          Salary” and format=comma10.2 for Salary; define a column called “YOS” to hold the values of the years of service you calculate (hint: use the today() function for those who are working;    for those who were terminated earlier, use the column Employee_Term_Date), and label it    as “Years of Service” . Use a query to display the contents of the view you just created, and     sort the values by Title and then by YOS, both in descending order. Now, use Tom_V to            produce simple descriptive statistics: minimum, mean and maximum salaries of different job titles. You are required to use two methods to achieve the same result as shown on the           lecture slide (Slide 11 of PROC SQL 7-preclass-posting): the PROC MEANS procedure and the   PROC SQL procedure. (hint: a PROC SQL view can be used as a SAS data set) (45 points)