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CS602– Data-Driven Development with Python– Fall 2022 Midterm Exam


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CS602– Data-Driven Development with Python– Fall 2022

Problem 1

Part 1 (Multiple Choose) (10 Points)

Create a list that contains the odd integer values from 20 to 35 exclusive. Select all that are correct:

A. oddList = [j for j in range(20, 35) if j  % 2 == 0]

B. oddList = [i for i in range(20, 36, 2)]

C. oddList = [z for z in range(20, 35) if z  % 2 != 0]

D. oddList = [x for x in range(21, 35, 2)]

Part 2 (Multiple Choose) (10 Points)

Using the 2-dimensional list below provide ALL the possible addresses of the elements that contain the value 55.

lst = [[22, 55, 44, 66],

           [  1,    3,   5,   7],

           [11, 33, 55, 77],

           [  2,   4,   6,    8]]

Part 3 (Write a Python statement) (10 points)

Write a list comprehension with the reference variable set to compList, that contains the value multiplied by the value. The input sequence equals the values: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10.

The resultant list will contain the values: [4, 16, 36, 64, 100].

Problem 2

Part 1 (Provide the output) (10 Points)

The following variable contains the following string:

myString = "catch drain apothem hatch"

Determine the values of the following expressions:





Part 2 (Write code segment) (10 Points)

Using list addressing and/or sequence slicing take the following string and write a code segment that prints out the word python on a single line.

myString = "put your multi-threaded program on hold."

Part 3 (Write code segment) (5 Points)

Using f-string formatting construct a print statement that makes the output look exactly like what is printed below.

The name is printed in 20 spaces, left justified. (name = Joseph Smith)

The course code is printed in 11 spaces, centered. (course = CS602)

The score value is printed in 10 spaces left justified, with 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. (grade = 85.436767)

Problem 3

Part 1 (Provide the output) (5 Points)

Write the output of the following code segment:

for count in range(15, 1, -2):

print(count, end = " ")

Part 2 (Write code segment) (10 points)

Write a code segment that includes a while loop statement that walks a list (myList) that contains both positive and negative integers and prints out only the positive integers on a single line and are separated by a space.

myList = [23, -10, -22, 17, 44, -80, 0, 72]

Part 3 (Write code segment) (10 points)

Write a code segment that includes a for loop statement that walks a string (testString). The loop should evaluate each character in the string and prints out the ASCII code value for that character. If the loop encounters a space in the string, execute a newline (carriage return).

testString = "Python Program"

The output of the code segment should look like this:

P: ASCII Code: 80

y: ASCII Code: 121

t: ASCII Code: 116

h: ASCII Code: 104

o: ASCII Code: 111

n: ASCII Code: 110

P: ASCII Code: 80

r: ASCII Code: 114

o: ASCII Code: 111

g: ASCII Code: 103

r: ASCII Code: 114

a: ASCII Code: 97

m: ASCII Code: 109

Problem 4

(Write code segment) (20 points)

Complete the function below called countLetters(s). The s input parameter is a string data type. The string being passed to this function will only contain lowercase letters and spaces. The function should count occurrences of the characters a – z and print out the occurrence count value for each character found if the count is greater than 0 (zero).  Do not count space characters. Use the starting code that is provided in the function below.

For the string example below, the following output would occur:

Example string only:  'boston is a great and historical city'

Letter - a: 4

Letter - b: 1

Letter - c: 2

Letter - d: 1

Letter - e: 1

Letter - g: 1

Letter - h: 1

Letter - i: 4

Letter - l: 1

Letter - n: 2

Letter - o: 3

Letter - r: 2

Letter - s: 3

Letter - t: 4

Letter - y: 1

Hints: Remove the spaces from the input string (s) before you process the letter counts.

def countLetters(s):

letters = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']

# Place your code below to complete the function.