关键词 > STA302H1F/1001HF

STA302H1F/1001HF Summer 2021


Methods of Data Analysis I

Department of Statistical Sciences

STA302H1F/1001HF Summer 2021

Instructor: Mohammad Kaviul Anam Khan

Email:[email protected]

Office hours: MW 11AM-1PM EDT on Bb Collaborate

* This is an online course. Please note that since lectures and/or evaluations will be taking place during the above lecture times, you must be available during those times. No accommodations will be made for assessments missed during these times.

** As this is an online course and all assessments must be submitted through Quercus, it is the STUDENT’S responsibility to ensure they have a reliable internet connection.


Course Description: The course provides a solid introduction to data analysis with a focus on the theory and application of linear regression. Topics to be covered include: initial examination of data, correlation, simple and multiple regression models using least squares, inference for regression parameters for normally distributed errors, confidence and prediction intervals, model diagnostics and remedial measures when the model assumptions are violated, interactions and dummy vari-ables, ANOVA, model selection, penalized regression, Generalized Additive Models (GAM) and principal component analysis (PCA). Statistical software will be used for illustration purposes and will be required for the completion of various assessments throughout the term.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of this course, all students should have a solid understanding of both the mathematical theory of linear regression analysis and its application in the form of a data analysis. Students should be prepared to show their understanding of the above through

• application of methods through problem-solving questions;

• description and explanation of concepts relating to the mathematical theory;

• derivation and proof of topics based on linear regression concepts and theory;

• practical application of methods on real data using statistical software, with appropriate justification of use of these methods;

• interpretation of data analysis results in clear and non-technical language

Pre-requisites: Pre-requisites are strictly enforced by the department, not the instructor. If you do not have the equivalent pre-requisites, you will be un-enrolled from the course. Students should have a second year statistics course, such as {STA238, STA248, STA255, or STA261}, a computer science such as {CSC108, CSC120, CSC121, or CSC148} and a mathematics course such as {MAT221(70%), MAT223, or MAT240} or equivalent preparation as determined by the depart-ment.


Course Content: All lecture slides, recordings and materials will be posted on the Quercus course page for each lecture section. Further, any important announcements will also be posted in Quer-cus. Please make sure to check it regularly so you don’t miss anything.

Textbook: We will be mostly following A Modern Approach to Regression with R by Simon J. Sheather (Springer). This book is freely available as an electronic copy through the Uni-versity of Toronto Library. We will cover Chapters 1-7, with suggested practice problems se-lected from this book. Datasets and other resources are available from the textbook’s website: http://gattonweb.uky.edu/sheather/book/. However, some of the lecture materials will be covered from some other books such asLinear Regression Analysis by Douglas C. Montgomery et.al (Wiley) and Generalized Additive Models: An Introduction with R by Simon N. Wood (CRC press, 2017). However, these books are optional and you don’t need to buy. Rather the focus should be on the lecture materials.

Statistical Software: We will be using R with RStudio for performing statistical analyses. R is a free software that can either be downloaded onto your personal computer or used in the cloud. If you choose to work with R on your personal computer, then installation will be a two step process:

1. The base R framework is available for download at http://cran.r-project.org/ for Win-dows, Mac and Linux operating systems.

2. Next, RStudio is a good integrated development environment to R (makes it simpler to work in R) and can also be downloaded for free at https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/download/.

If you don’t want to download the program or run into problems with installation, you may want to consider University of Toronto JupyterHub (link) with RStudio selected which only requires you to login with your Utoronto email and connect to our course project via the link provided. In lectures, examples with R syntax will be provided, which should be sufficient for you to learn how to apply the statistical methods.


Lectures: Lectures will be held live on Bb Collaborate through Quercus with recordings posted afterwards. During lectures, we will cover important course materials, as well as cover a number of examples illustrating the uses of these methods. Lecture slides/recordings will contain some R code and output to show how to perform these methods in practice. Each lecture builds on the material from previous weeks, so it is recommended that you attend lectures regularly/keep on top of the material.

Office Hours: Instructors and TAs will hold office hours through Bb Collaborate in the Quercus course page. The office hour schedule will be posted on Quercus. It is recommended that you visit office hours whenever you have a question about the material. It is more important than ever in an online accelerated class to have material clarified as quickly as possible. Don’t wait until the last minute to ask your questions.

Quercus Discussion Board: We will be using the Quercus Discussion Board as an online dis-cussion forum. All questions about course material should be posted here or asked during TA/instructor office hours. The instructor and TAs will monitor the board and will help answer questions but students are encouraged to answer posts and help their fellow classmates.


Both undergraduate and graduate students will be offered two grading schemes that will be used to calculate your final grade. Your final grade for the course will automatically be determined by the higher of the two grading schemes.

Undergraduate students will be evaluated in the following way:

Date Due/Occurring
Grading Weight
  Discussion Board Participation
  “Weekly” Online Quizzes (best 4 out of 5)
At the end of each week
  Assignment # 1
May 28 at 11:59PM EDT
  Final Project (With Presentation)
June 11 by 11:59PM EDT
  Final Exam
June 17-28

Please note that the last day to drop the course without penalty is June 1, 2021

Graduate students will be evaluated in the following way:

Date Due/Occurring
Grading Weight
  Discussion Board Participation
  “Weekly” Online Quizzes (best 4 out of 5)
At the end of each week
  Assignment # 1
May 28 at 11:59PM EDT
  Final Project (With Presentation)
June 11 by 11:59PM EDT
  Final Exam
June 17-28

Please note that the last day to drop the course without penalty is June 1, 2021


Discussion Board Participation: Participation is mandatory and will be done through the use of the Quercus discussion board. The discussion board will be used in two different ways:

Ungraded discussion: there will be a dedicated discussion board where students can post questions regarding course content. The instructor and TAs will monitor this and answer questions posted by students. But it is encouraged that students try to answer students posted from other students. Participation on this discussion board is not mandatory.

Graded participation discussion: Each week we will post a discussion topic based on content presented in the week’s lectures. All students are encouraged to participate in these discussions for their participation grade. Topics will be open-ended (there is no one right answer) and TAs and instructors will also be involved in these discussions. These will begin the week of May 11 and participation is mandatory. A rubric will be posted explaining how this will be graded.

“Weekly” Online Quizzes: There will be 5 “weekly” online quizzes, that will be occurring during the last 20 minutes of the lecture time of each section. Quizzes will begin on Tuesday May 11 and continue until the last lecture period. Students need to complete the quizzes individually and independently

• We will take the best 4 quiz marks and drop the worst one in the calculation of your overall quiz mark

• The quizzes will have multiple choice or numeric questions and cover material from the pre-vious set of lectures. You may wish to have a calculator available at this time to aid in any calculations.

• Quizzes can be found under Quercus Quizzes in the navigation bar, or through the link provided in that week’s module, and will only be available during the designated quiz time. Quizzes must be done individually.

Missed quiz: Because only the best 4 quiz marks will be counted, we will not be making any accommodations for missed quizzes. These will receive a mark of 0, but will be dropped as part of the worst quiz mark. Therefore, you may miss one quizzes without penalty.

There are no make-up quizzes. Quizzes, beyond the 1 that will be dropped, will be given zero.

Assignment: You will be given one assignment in the term. The purpose of this assignment is to develop your data analysis skills which will be useful for the final project/exam and future courses. The assignment will have a heavy focus on the use of statistical software (R specifically), and will involve applying the methods learned during lecture to a dataset. The format of the projects will be as follows:

1. use the methods taught in lecture to perform a small data analysis.

2. simulate unique datasets and writing your own functions instead of built in R functions.

3. solve some mathematical problems and explain the procedure

4. In general, extensions will not be given unless a valid reason is provided. Please let the instructor know about the reasoning at least 24 hours before the submission deadline. In such cases, the instructor may decide to grant an extension of up to 5 days. Please check the MISSED ASSESSMENT POLICY for further details.

5. There are no make-up for assignments. A missed assignment will be given a grade of 0.

Final Project: The final project will be due on June 11, 2021 by 11:59PM EDT and will consist of a data analysis on a novel dataset. Students will be required to demonstrate their understanding of the methods taught in lecture by developing a reasonable regression model using the techniques taught in class. The students will be responsible for choosing the correct methods to apply and providing appropriate justifications defending their choices. The final project will consist of:

• Introduction section: provides details regarding why the model is being developed, general information regarding how the model is developed and finally how the model meets the purpose mentioned earlier

• Exploratory data analysis section: a detailed description of the variables in the data with appropriate tables or figures that highlight certain characteristics deemed relevant or impor-tant.

• Model development section: a detailed discussion of the process used to come to the final model, as well as in-depth diagnostics to illustrate the ‘goodness’ of the model

• Conclusion section: restate why the model is useful in the context of the data, provide an inter-pretation of the final model in non-technical language, and discuss any limitations/problems remaining with the model and how they might impact its use in the real world.

• To submit your results, you will be required to prepare a 5 minute presentation that you will need to record (using your computer, phone, etc.). You will be required to display your T-card alongside your face at the beginning of your video to verify your identity.

• You will need to display the results of your project in a logical way using slides (e.g. Power-Point, latex, R Markdown or other) and record yourself discussing these results, with a focus on why you chose to do certain things and interpretation of your results for non-statisticians.

• The submissions will have strict deadline as mentioned in grading scheme. No late submissions will be accepted (except for students who had requested for an extension at least 24 hours prior due to some valid reasons).

• In general, extensions will not be given unless a valid reason is provided. In such cases, the instructor may decide to grant an extension of up to 5 days. Please check the MISSED ASSESSMENT POLICY for more details.

• There are no final project make up. A missed final project will be given a grade of 0.

The final project will be done individually, and must be typed and submitted by the stated dead-line. More detailed instructions at a later date.

Final Exam: The details about the final exam will be provided during the last week lectures. For the final exam we will be following standard University of Toronto Schedule

In order to pass this course, students must submit the final exam, the final project and have passed at least 3 of the quizzes.


Students are responsible for completing all of the assessments detailed in the previous section. However, in special cases extension can be requested to the instructor at least 24 hours before the submission deadline. If a student is sick and needs to request an extension or accommodation on the assignment or the final project, they must send an email to their instructor. In order for the request to be considered, the email:

• must be received at least 24 hours before the assessment is due

• must include the course code in the subject line

• must include your full name and student number

• must specify for which project the extension/accommodation is being requested

• must include the following sentences:

– “I affirm that I am experiencing an illness or personal emergency and I understand that to falsely claim so is an offence under the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters.”

– “I understand that the weight of this assessment (assignment or final project) will be moved to the weekly quizzes and to the final exam”


Please do not email the instructor with questions related to the content of the course. These types of questions are much easier to answer through the discussion board or during of- fice hours. Emails that do not contain sensitive or personal information will be directed to post the questions on the discussion board. If you need to email the instructor for personal reasons, please use your official University of Toronto email address, include STA302 in the subject and also include your full name and UTORid in the body of the email (in case we need to look anything up).


Course materials provided on Quercus, such as lecture slides, assignments, tests and solutions are the intellectual property of your instructor and are for the use of students currently enrolled in this course only. Providing course materials to any person or company outside of the course is unauthorized use. This includes providing materials to predatory tutoring companies.


The University treats cases of plagiarism and cheating very seriously. It is the students’ respon-sibility for knowing the content of the University of Toronto’s Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters. All suspected cases of academic dishonesty will be investigated following procedures out-lined in the above document. If you have questions or concerns about what constitutes appropriate academic behaviour or appropriate research and citation methods, you are expected to seek out ad-ditional information on academic integrity from your instructor or from other institutional resources (see http://academicintegrity.utoronto.ca/). Here are a few guidelines regarding academic integrity:

• You may consult class notes/lecture slides during quizzes and tests, however sharing or dis-cussing questions or answers with anyone else (in or outside this course) is an academic offence.

• Students must complete all assessments individually. Working together is not allowed.

• Paying anyone else to complete your assessments for you is academic misconduct.

• Sharing your answers/work/code for STA302 assessments with any other student is academic misconduct.

• Looking up solutions to test/quiz/assessments problems online or in textbooks and copying any part of what you find is an academic offense.

• All work that you submit must be your own! You must not copy mathematical derivations, computer output and input, or written answers from anyone or anywhere else. Unacknowl-edged copying or unauthorized collaboration will lead to severe disciplinary action, beginning with an automatic grade of zero for all involved and escalating from there. Please read the University of Toronto Policy on Cheating and Plagiarism, and don’t plagiarize.


The University of Toronto offers academic accommodations for students with disabilities. If you re-quire accommodations, or have any accessibility concerns about the course, the classroom, or course materials, please contact Accessibility Services as soon as possible: [email protected] or http://accessibility.utoronto.ca.


  Week   Content
  1a (May 4)
  Introduction: syllabus, motivating example(s), review of mathematical/statistical
  concepts needed, introduction to R/RStudio
  1b (May 6)
  Inference in Simple linear regression Part 1: Linear Model and Least Squares
  approach for parameter estimation, error vari-ance and confidence interval theory
  2a (May 11)
  Inference in Simple Linear Regression Part 2: Inference on the slope and
  intercept, confidence intervals and prediction intervals, ANOVA , coefficient of
  determination, indicator vari-ables
  2b (May 13)
  Diagnostics for Simple Linear Regression: residuals and residual plots,
  leverage and influential points
  3a (May 18)
  Handling violations in Simple Linear Regression: trans-formations to stabilize
  variance, transformations for non-linearity, Box-Cox
  3b (May 20)
  Multiple linear regression: motivation through polynomial regression, review of
  matrix linear algebra, parameter estimation in MLR, properties of least squares estimates
  4a (May 25)   ANOVA and ANCOVA: Confidence intervals for parameters, F-test, partial F-test,
  working with indicator/dummy variables
  4b (May 27)
  Diagnostics for Multiple Linear Regression: residuals and their properties,
  standardized residuals, leverage points, residual plots, influential observations
  June 1   Deadline to drop course without penalty
  5a (June 1)
  Weighted and Generalized Least Squares in Multiple Linear Regression
  Handling violations and Variable Se-lection
  5b (June 3)   Variable selection: variable selection procedures, model vali-dation, Ridge regression and LASSO
  6a (June 8)   Data Reduction: Principal Components Analysis. Orthogonal Variables
  6b (June 10)   Generalized Additive Models
  TBA   Final assessment period