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ECE113, Fall 2022 Digital Signal Processing Midterm


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ECE113, Fall 2022


Digital Signal Processing

1. Problem 1 (20 points)

A discrete-time system is represented by a difference equation:

n y[n] = 6(x[n 3] + x[2n + 2] + x[ 3 ])

(a) The input of the system is generated by sampling an analog signal x(t) = 2 cos(t) using two different sampling periods T1 = 1/6 seconds and T2 = π/6 seconds. If we want the discrete-time signal x[n] to be periodic, which of the two sampling periods would you use? Why?

For the chosen sampling period what would be the fundamental period of x[n]?

(b) If x[n] is periodic, would the output of the system also be periodic? If yes, what would be the fundamental period? If no, show your reasoning.

2. Problem 2 (20 points)

Now we have the following sequences:

2π π

x1[n] = cos( 3 n + 6 )

π x2[n] = 2 sin( 4 n)

x3[n] = x1[n] + x2[n]

(a) What is the period for each signal?

(b) What is the energy for x3[n]?

(c) What is the average-power for x3[n]?

Hint: sin2 x = 1 (1 cos 2x), cos2 x = 1 (1 + cos 2x), cos x sin y = 1 (sin(x + y) sin(x y))

3. Problem 3 (20 points)

Assume x[n] = 0 for n < 0:

(a) What is the even part xe[n] in terms of x[n]?

(b) Show that x[n] can be expressed in terms of unit step function u[n] and its even part

xe[n] alone.

4. Problem 4 (20 points)

A system is described by the block diagram shown in the figure below with x[n] denoting the input sequence, y[n] denoting the output sequence, w[n] = e0n, and v[n] = e0n. h[n] is known to be a linear, time-invariant, stable, and causal system.

(a) What is the expression of y[n] in the form of convolution sum?

(b) Is the system linear?

(c) Is the system time-invariant?

(d) Is the system causal?

(e) Is the system BIBO stable?

5. Problem 5 (20 points)

Let x[n] = 1 + e0n and y[n] = 1 + 1 ej4ω0n + 1 ej3ω0n be two signals with a fundamental

2 2

period N , such that ω0 = 2π .

Find the DTFS coefficients of their product z[n] = x[n]y[n], assuming N = 3.