关键词 > C++代写

159.201 Algorithms & Data Structures


159.201 Algorithms & Data Structures

S1 2021

Assignment 5

Write a C++ program that creates and populate a tree for an arithmetic expression. Then it should perform an in-­order and a post-­order traversal on the tree.   The input of the program will be a text file with the arithmetic expressions in RPN. To make it easier for the I/Os, each number has a single digit, so you can use char as data for the tree nodes. The RPN*.txt files should have one number or one operator per line.

The output of the program will be a printout of the arithmetic expression written out in both in-fix (fully parenthesised) and post-fix (Reverse Polish) notations. The program does not need to compute the value of the expressions, only print them out. You should comment any other printouts in the given sample program (e.g., comment out the printfs for “reading a number:...” etc).

The final output should look like this:




1 5 + 2 *

Notes: ­ The in­fix notation must have all parenthesis in the right places, i.e. the in-order traversal must be modified to achieve this. Note that there are no spaces between numbers and parenthesis. There is an additional pair of parenthesis that covers the entire expression (again, this will make  it easier).

- The post­fix print out is useful for debugging purposes, as it should look like the original text file.

There is a space after each character.

- You need to use a stack that is able to store Tree pointers. You can modify the Stack class we showed during the lectures, or use STL. See also the example in the week 5 slides.

Remember that you can use the following algorithm to build the tree out of a file with the post­-fix notation.

An algorithm to construct an arithmetic tree

Read in an expression that is already in post­fix notation (from the RPN*.txt files)

Tree *T1, *T2, *T;  Stack S;     //note that S is a stack of pointers to trees

while (expression continues) {

x = next item from the expression

if (x is a number) { S.Push(new Tree(x, NULL, NULL)); }

if (x is an operator) {

T1 = S.Top();  S.Pop();

T2 = S.Top();  S.Pop();

S.Push(new Tree(x, T2, T1));     //note order of T2 and T1



T = S.Top();

Use our virtual machine to mark your submissions (host name vm000296). The input/output requirements are essential, please follow them carefully to avoid losing marks. Spaces matter and text is case sensitive. After you are satisfied with the performance of your code as tested in the virtual machine, submit a one source file code on Stream by Friday 7 of May 2021. Your name and ID number must appear on top of the file as comments. If you are working in a group, then all names and IDs must appear on top of the file as comments, but you still need to submit individually in both the virtual machine and Stream.