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CS246 Fall 2022 Project – RAIInet


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CS246 Fall 2022 Project – RAIInet

• IMPORTANT NOTE: Fall 2022 is the first term in which the project RAIInet is being offered. As a new project, the specification is not perfect. If you choose to work on this project, it is highly recommended that you keep up to date on the RAIInet tag on Piazza, so you can see any clarifications made.

• DO NOT EVER SUBMIT TO MARMOSET WITHOUT COMPILING AND TESTING FIRST. If your final submission doesn’t compile, or otherwise doesn’t work, you will have nothing to show during your demo. Resist the temptation to make last-minute changes. They probably aren’t worth it.

• This project is intended to be doable by three people in two weeks. Because the breadth of students’ abilities in this course is quite wide, exactly what constitutes two weeks’ worth of work for three students is difficult to nail down. Some groups will finish quickly; others won’t finish at all. We will attempt to grade this assignment in a way that addresses both ends of the spectrum. You should be able to pass the assignment with only a modest portion of your program working. Then, if you want a higher mark, it will take more than a proportionally higher effort to achieve, the higher you go. A perfect score will require a complete implementation. If you finish the entire program early, you can add extra features for a few extra marks.

• Above all, MAKE SURE YOUR SUBMITTED PROGRAM RUNS. The markers do not have time to examine source code and give partial correctness marks for non-working programs. So, no matter what, even if your program doesn’t work properly, make sure it at least does something.

• Note: If you have not already done so for Assignment 4, make sure you are able to use graphical applications from your Unix session. If you are using Linux you should be fine (if making an ssh connection to a campus machine, be sure to pass the -Y option). If you are using Windows and PuTTY, you should download and run an X server such as XMing, and be sure that PuTTY is configured to forward X connections. Alert course staff immediately if you are unable to set up your X connection (e.g. if you can’t run xeyes).

Also (if working on your own machine) make sure you have the necessary libraries to compile graphics. Try executing the following:

g++14 window.cc graphicsdemo.cc -o graphicsdemo -lX11

The Game of RAIInet

In this project, your group will work together to produce the video game RAIInet, a game similar in style to Stratego. RAIInet is a game played between two opposing players, who take on the role of computer hackers. Each player controls eight pieces, called links. There are two different kinds of links: viruses and data. Each player has two goals:

• Download four data.

• Make their opponent download four viruses.

Upon achieving either goal, the player wins the game.

A game of RAIInet consists of an 8 × 8 board on which players initially place links face down. In this way, only the player who placed the link knows whether it is data or a virus.

Play then proceeds in turns. On each player’s turn, a player may use a single ability, and then must move one of their links in any cardinal direction.

When a player moves a link off their opponent’s side of the board, they immediately download it. When a player moves a link onto their opponent’s server ports, their opponent downloads it. Additionally, when a player’s link loses to an opponent’s link in battle, their opponent immediately downloads it. These mechanics are explaind in greater detail below.

As which links are viruses and which links are data is hidden information, you can keep your opponent guessing as to what your game plan is!


There are two kinds of links: data, and viruses. If at any point a player has downloaded four data, they win the game. Conversely, if they have downloaded four viruses, they lose the game. In addition to being viruses or data, links have a strength between 1 and 4, with 1 being the weakest and 4 being the strongest. Initially, players are given viruses and data of each possible strength, for a total of 8 links.

Movement, Battle, and Capture

Each turn a player must move a single link they control one space in a cardinal direction. This movement is subject to a few conditions:

• One cannot move a link on top of another link one controls (but can on top of an opponent’s link; see below).

• One cannot move a link on top of one’s own server ports.

• One cannot move a link off the edge of the board, except off the edge upon which one’s opponent’s links started. When one moves a link off the edge in this way, one downloads that link.

• If a link moves into one’s opponent’s server port, it is downloaded by one’s opponent.

• When a link is moved on top of a link controlled by one’s opponent, both links are revealed to all players and they battle; the winner is the player whose link had higher strength. In the event of a tie, the initiating player wins the battle. After the battle, the winner downloads the link of the loser.

After moving one link, one’s turn ends. This is the only way a turn can be ended.


The game board is an 8x8 grid, similar to chess or checkers. The middle two squares on the first and last row are the server ports. To set up, players place their links on the first and last row respectively. The links that would be placed over the server ports are instead placed on the second and second last row. Here are two example board setups, one at the start of the game and one halfway through (as seen by player 1).

Player 1: Downloaded: 0D, 0V Abilities: 5

a: V1 b: D4 c: V3 d: V2 e: D3 f: V4 g: D2 h: D1










Player 2: Downloaded: 0D, 0V Abilities: 5

A: ? B: ? C: ? D: ?

E: ? F: ? G: ? H: ?

Player 1: Downloaded: 1D, 2V Abilities: 3

a: V1 b: D4 c: V3 d: V2 e: D3 f: V4 g: D2 h: D1











Player 2: Downloaded: 1D, 1V Abilities: 3

A: ? B: V2 C: V3 D: ?

E: V4 F: ? G: ? H: ?

Notice that all of player two’s links appear as question marks; as the game progresses, player 1 may gain information as to what player two’s links are. Your display must update itself to reflect this new information as it becomes available. Player 2 would see something similar, but with question marks on the values of player 1’s links. Your display should always display all the information available to the active player. Both of the boards above would be how the display is printed on player 1’s turn. Note that additionally tracked on the display is each player’s number of unused abilities, and their download total – this information must also be reflected on your display. For more information on abilities, read the following section.

In addition to a text display, you are required to create a graphical display. This display must show the board like above, with all the same information. However, instead of having a line showing whether links are viruses or data, this should be reflected in the colour of the link in your display (e.g., green for data, red for virus).

Question: In this project, we ask you to implement a single display that flips between player 1 and player 2 as turns are switched. How would you change your code to instead have two displays, one of which is player 1’s view, and the other of which is player 2’s?


In addition to the basic movements, each player has a set of five ability cards available to them at the start of the game. Each card can only be used once per game—however players select which cards they wish to use, and can take up to 2 of each kind. For example, player 1 may decide to start the game with two copies of the card Firewall, two copies of the card Download, and one copy of the card Polarize. In this case, player 1 would be able to download two of player 2’s links, by using both their download cards. The five abilities your game must support are as follows:

Link boost modifies a link you control by making it move one additional square in each direction when it moves. This allows the link to “jump over” obstacles. A link with a link boost equipped may be unable to reach the opponent server port. This effect remains active until the link is downloaded.

Firewall is played targeting any empty square on the board. When passing through this square, opponent links are revealed and, if they are viruses, immediately downloaded by their owner. A square with a firewall with it must be printed somehow on the display (e.g. with a m for a firewall by player 1 and a w for a firewall by player 2) Links owned by the player who placed firewall are unaffected by this ability.

Download immediately downloads an opponent’s link. It does not need to be revealed.

Polarize changes a data to a virus of the same strength, or vice versa.

Scan reveals the type and strength of any link on the field.

On every turn one may play one ability card that one has not already used in the current game. After doing so, its effects resolve and one cannot play any other abilities on that turn. After moving, the turn will end.

Question: How can you design a general framework that makes adding abilities easy? To demonstrate your thought process for this question, you are required to add in three new abilities to your final game. One of these may be similar to one of the already present abilities, and the other two should introduce some novel, challenging mechanic.

Winning and Losing

When one has downloaded four data, regardless of their strength or who they belonged to orig- inally, one wins the game. Conversely, if whenever one has downloaded four viruses, one immediately loses the game. Your program need not have a game over screen, but it must be clear that the program stopped because a player won the game, and it must indicate which player won.

Question: One could conceivably extend the game of RAIInet to be a four player game by making the board a plus shape (formed by the union of two 10x8 rectangles) and allowing links to escape off the edge belonging to the opponent directly adjacent to them. Upon being eliminated by downloading four viruses, each links and firewall controlled by that player would be removed, and their server ports would become normal squares. What changes could you make in your code to handle this change to the game? Would it be possible to have this mode in addition to the two-player mode with minimal additional work?


You interact with the system by issuing text-based commands. The following commands are to be supported:

• move <A> <dir> moves the link A (where this can be any link one controls) in the direction dir, which can be any of up, down, left, right.

• abilities displays the ability cards one has, together with an ID (from 1-5) and some indication if the ability card has been used or not.

• ability <N> uses the ability card with ID N. Some ability cards will require additional infor- mation, such as a target for Link Boost, or a square of the board for Firewall. Your program must support giving links as targets using the alphabetical code shown in the display section; so if ability 1 is Link Boost, ability 1 b attaches a Link Boost to the link b. Squares, such as for Firewall, must be specified by row and then column, where the top left corner is (0, 0). For example, to place a firewall directly below one of player 1’s server ports, one would use ability 1 1 3 or ability 1 1 4, assuming that ability 1 is Firewall.

• board displays the board in the format shown in the Display section.

• sequence <file> Executes the sequence of commands found in file, where commands are given as described in this section. This is to facilitate the construction of test cases.

• quit or end-of-file exits the game.

It would be in your best interest (and will help during your demo) to make sure that your program does not break down if a command is misspelled.

The board should be redrawn, both in text and graphically, each time a move command is issued. For the graphic display, redraw as little of the screen as is necessary to make the needed changes (within reason).


Your program should support the following options on the command line:

• -ability1 <order> specifies the abilities for player 1 (this is a list of the 5 abilities player 1 will use). If not specified, use the default set of abilities (Link boost, Firewall, Download, Scan, Polarize in that order). The abilities are given by a string consisting of the first letter of each ability. For example, the default order is -ability1 LFDSP. Ensure that when you add new abilities, they start with different letters.

• -ability2 <order> is as above but for the second player.

• -link1 <placement-file>. The contents of <placement-file> should list what each link should be for player 1. The first token of <placement-file> specifies what link a is, the second, b, and so on and so forth. For example, the example board in the display section can be made with passing -link1 a file containing “V1 D4 V3 V2 D3 V4 D2 D1”.1

If -link1 is not passed to your program, then you should randomize the order of the links that player 1 receives.

• -link2 <order> is as above but for the second player.

• -graphics should enable your graphical interface.


Your project will be graded as following the project guidelines document. Even if your program doesn’t work at all, you can still earn a lot of marks through good documentation and design, (in the latter case, there needs to be enough code present to make a reasonable assessment).

If Things Go Wrong

If you run into trouble and find yourself unable to complete the entire game, please do your best to submit something that works, even if it doesn’t solve the entire game requirements. For example:

• don’t have abilities

• program only produces text output; no graphics

• server ports don’t work

• no battles

You will get a higher mark for fully implementing some of the requirements than for a program that attempts all of the requirements, but doesn’t run.

A well-documented, well-designed program that has all of the deficiencies listed above, but still runs, can still potentially earn a passing grade.

Plan for the Worst

Even the best programmers have bad days, and the simplest pointer error can take hours to track down. So be sure to have a plan of attack in place that maximizes your chances of always at least having a working program to submit. Prioritize your goals to maximize what you can demonstrate at any given time. We suggest: save the graphics for last, and first implement the game in pure text. One of the first things you should probably do is write a routine to draw the game board (probably a Board class with an overloaded friend operator<<). It can start out blank, and become more sophisticated as you add features. You should also write the command interpreter early, so that you can interact with your program. You can then add commands one-by-one, and separately work on supporting the full command syntax. Work on your pieces one at a time. Once you figure out the right interface and implementation for one piece type, the remaining piece types will be easier to build. Take the time to work on a test suite at the same time as you are writing your project. Although we are not asking you to submit a test suite, having one on hand will speed up the process of verifying your implementation.

You will be asked to submit a plan, with projected completion dates and divided responsibilities, as part of your documen- tation for Due Date 1.

If Things Go Well

If you complete the entire project, you can earn up to 10% extra credit for implementing extra features; see the project guidelines document for details.

Due Dates and Deliverables

See the project guidelines for due dates and submission requirements.