关键词 > BUSI4G515

BUSI4G515 Business-to-Business Marketing Postgraduate Programmes 2022/23


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Business-to-Business Marketing

First, you are to identify a company of your choice. This could be a company that you are working (or have worked) for, a company you have studied in class, or a case study company. Second, you are to identify ONE of the aspects of Business-to-Business Marketing that this company has an issue or difficulty or challenge with (see list below). Third, you are to discuss how the theory explored in relation to this topic may be applied to this company and the environment in which it operates.

Topic 1

Organisational attractiveness is an important drive in business relationships. By reviewing the business context of your choice, provide examples for this statement, supported by some relevant academic literature on organisational attractiveness and relationship development. Please incorporate some strategic considerations as well as potential/actual practical implications.

Topic 2

Outline how the notion of network pictures could be applicable to the business context of your choice. What are the underpinnings of the concept of network pictures? How can managers use network pictures to affect their firm’s network position and network role? How can network pictures influence networking activities? Please incorporate some strategic considerations as well as potential/actual practical implications.

Topic 3

The dark side of close business relationships is relevant in several business relationships. Evaluate this statement for the context of your chosen business context, and highlight (potential/actual) scenarios and some theoretical underpinnings regarding how the dark side can occur (including tensions). What could the firm do to safeguard against the dark side of close business relationships to occur? How could the firm use relationship audit to monitor the state of their business relationships? Please incorporate some strategic considerations as well as potential/actual practical implications.

(100 marks)