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AAE Homework


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AAE Homework

You must work alone on this Homework

Due Tuesday November 29.

Problem 1. Let x and y be two independent uniform random variables over the interval [0, 2]. Let z be the random variable defined by


z =

x + y

The random variable z is the resistor corresponding to placing two resistors in parallel which are independent and uniformly  distributed over  the  interval  [0, 2].  You can  use  Matlab  or  any  other  program to compute the integrals in this problem. In fact, computing these integrals by hand will be very tedious and is not necessary.

Let H2 and H4 be the Hilbert spaces defined by

H2 = span {1, z} and H4 = span {1, z, z , z }


x2 = PH2 x = α + βz

2 3

x^4 = PHx a bz cz  dz

1. Find and plot the density function fz(z) for 0 ≤ z ≤ 1.

2. Find  g(z) = E(x z).  The formula for g(z)  = E(x z) is long and messy. If you cannot find g(z) try to find g(z) = E(x z z)

numerically. You will need to plot g(z). If your plot of g(z) is correct we will give full credit for g^(z).

3. Find x^2 = PHx α βz

4. Find x^4 = PHx a bz cz

+ dz3

2 3

5. Plot g(z) and (x2)(z) = α + βz and (x4)(z) = a + bz cz

all on the same graph over the interval [0, 1].

+ dz

6. Compute the errors. This will have to be done numerically.

E(x  g^(z))2 and E(x  x^2)2 and E(x  x^4)2