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EEEE4122 - MATLAB & SIMULINK Coursework (2022/23)


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EEEE4122 - MATLAB & SIMULINK Coursework (2022/23)

(Electrical and Electronic Engineering Fundamentals for MSc students - Autumn)


· This piece of coursework is worth 20% of the final module marks.

· You are provided with an excel sheet entitled “ExcelSHEETforQUESTION3.xlsx” and an answer template (YourID&Name_EEEE4122_Matlab&Simulink_ANSWERSheet) in word.

· You must submit your work using the answer template provided and into the submission link entitled “SUBMISSION LINK FOR SOFTWARE TEST: MATLAB and Simulink”.

· Ensure that you put your name and student ID on the filename.

· Deadline for submission: No later than 3PM (UK time) Wednesday, 23rd November 2022. NO late submission will be accepted without an approved EC and that the University standard penalty of 5 marks per day after the stated deadline will apply.

· Details of what is an EC (Extenuating Circumstance) can be found in this link: https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/studentservices/services/extenuating-circumstances.aspx

· NOTE: This is an individual assignment. Submitted work will be compared with other students' work to detect collusion or plagiarism. If identified, students will be subjected to an academic misconduct hearing.


Question 1


[3 Marks] 


[6 Marks]


[3 Marks] 


(i) provide evidence of your capacitor sizing calculation/ analysis. Provide a screen shot of your circuit.

[(i) 12 Marks]

(ii) Fill the table below

Table for Question 1-d

Input Signal Frequency (Hz)

Input Signal Strength (Vin)

Output Signal Strength (Vout)













[(ii) 4 Marks]


[6 Marks] 

Total for Question 1 = 34 Marks

Question 2


[(i) 3 + (ii) 3 = 6 Marks]

2-b) (i) estimate the panel’s voltage at maximum power. You may linearly interpolate or extrapolate between the said temperatures.

[(i) 2 Marks] 


[Design (10) + Model (10) = 20 Marks]

(iii) the plot of inductor current (A) versus time (mS) to clearly show the lower and upper limits of the linear variation and

(iv) a plot of Vout (V) versus time (s).

[(iii) 3 + (iv) 2 = 5 Marks]

Total for Question 2 = 33 Marks

Question 3


[9 Marks]

3-b) Provide a screen shot of your syntax/ steps and the imported data in your answer template.

[8 Marks]

3-c) Provide a screen shot of your steps in the Matlab workspace and the normalised matrix in your answer template.

[8 Marks]

3-d) Provide a screen shot of your steps in the Matlab workspace and the output of the trained network and comment on the results (for example the similarity between the sample groups).

[8 Marks]

Total for Question 3 = 33 Marks