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REN R 480 Assignment 1: Statistical terms, Data Tables, Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Graphics


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REN R 480

Assignment 1: Statistical terms, Data Tables, Descriptive Statistics and Exploratory Graphics

Please complete this assignment using R. Prepare your answers as a Word document and submit the completed assignment by September 30th, 2018 via email to Dante Castellanos: [email protected]. This assignment is worth 10% of your final grade.

Tequila comes from a succulent plant named Agave tequilana. The steam of this plant is pretty much nonexistent, and the leaves are usually at ground level. Around the eight year of life of the plant, it is harvested and the leaves are removed, leaving only the so-called heart of the plant (it resembles a pineapple), that is used to produce the beverage. In this study, 10 plants of Agave tequilana were used as progenitors (5 female and 5 male) to evaluate their genotype values. This was done by means of a factorial cross design, meaning all females are crossed to all males. The data given for analysis is the weight (kg) of the heart of 75 plants result of these crosses.

1. With this information, please answer the following questions: (1 point each)

a. What is/are the population(s) of this study?

b. Which is/are the independent or predictor variable(s)?

c. Which is/are the dependent or response variable(s)?

2. Using the principle of one unit per row, re-arrange the file given into a CSV file that can be analyzed with. Import it and copy and paste the first six rows of your data table into the Word document that you submit, along with the code you used (5 points).

3. Two extra points available to figure out how to program the table re-arrangement in R.

4. Using the R commands we saw in class, calculate the mean and standard deviation for each female, each male, and each female*male cross. Copy the results and your code into the Word document that you submit (2 point).

5. Four extra points available if you also do the import and calculate the means and standard deviations in SAS.

6. Use the most appropriate exploratory graphic to visualize your raw data at the progenitor level (i.e. each female and each male). Show your graph together with the code (5 points).

7. Two extra points for graphical customization, such as the use of colors, legible font size, propel labels, removal of unnecessary frames, etc.

8. Write up a brief description of anything notable that you can see in the data (i.e. differences in range, differences among progenitors, data distribution, presence of outliers, etc.) (5 points).

Total 20 points = 100% plus an optional 8 extra points