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AEM 6940 Python Programming S22--Project Details


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AEM 6940 Python Programming S22--Project Details

Project Due Date: Thursday December 15th, at 4:30 PM, per the university’s schedule.

Project Proposal. All project topics must be approved in advance.  In the proposal, you should describe the dataset(s) you will use and the minimum analyses that you intend to perform.  This should be in a Word doc.  Your proposal is due by 8:00 AM on Thursday December 8th, though sooner is better because the proposal approval process may require several iterations.

Individual Project.  The Individual Project requires that you perform appropriate data analysis or automate a non-trivial, repetitive task using a Python program you create. You should use at least two of the following for input or output: csv file(s), Excel file(s), SQLite3 database(s), and pdf(s).  The grading breakdown will be:

· Code functionality—50% of the points.

· Code documentation—25% of the points.

· Interpretation of the findings—15% of the points.

· Video summary—10% of the points.  In the video recording, which has a five-minute limit, you should talk about what you did, what you found, identify pitfalls you encountered, and identify next steps you would take if you were to continue working on the project.

For the project you can use datasets we use in the course, if your analysis goes beyond what we did.  You can also use datasets from summer jobs or other sources.  Automation topics can come from repetitive tasks you’ve had to do in other courses, in your personal life, or in jobs.  All project topics must be approved in advance and proposals, the details of which will be provided later, are due at the date and time set by the university for final projects.

Project Submission Requirements.  

1. Code.  

a. Put your primary Python code in one function, NetID_final_project().  Your main function should call it.  Submit the function, and any helper functions, in a text file named NetID_final_project.txt.  

b. You can create helper function(s).  If you do, name them like netid_helperfunctioname, use those names in your code, and submit them in the NetID_final_project.txt file.

c. Submit any other files, such as Excel files, that your code uses.  Name those netid_filename.xxxx, where xxxx is the file extension.  Use those same names in your code.

2. Interpretation.  This should be in a Word doc, named NetID_final_project.

3. Video.  This should be in a common video format, ideally .mp4, but .mov, .wmv, and .avi files are fine.  This file should be named NetID_final_project.xxx, where xxx is the file extension.