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ACF2851 Accounting Information Systems & Financial Modelling


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Mid-semester test version  B

Faculty of Business and Economics

Department of Accounting


Accounting Information Systems & Financial Modelling


1.   What version number is printed on the front page of this test? (A, B, C, D, or E)

In questions2to3below, for each conversion/implementation method, identify the characteristic (A-E) most associated with that method where:

A = Implements a system in one part of an organisation, such as a branch location, so that problems are identified and resolved before the system is implemented throughout the rest of the organisation.

B = The old system is switched off and a new system gradually implemented one module at a time until the new system is completely installed.

C = Special programs are written to maintain access to old systems that it is not feasible to replace with a new system.

D = Elements of an old AIS are gradually replaced with a new one until the old AIS is completely replaced.

E =  Old and new systems are operated simultaneously for a period of time.

2.   Which definition best describes the parallel conversion method?

3.   Which definition best describes the phased conversion method?

In questions4to5below, for each conversion/implementation advantage, identify the conversion method (A-D) most associated with that benefit where:

A = Direct Conversion

B = Parallel conversion

C = Phased conversion

D = Pilot conversion


4.    Can compare output from old and new systems to verify that transactions are being processed correctly.

5.    Complete switchover to the new system will occur only when everyone is confident it performs the tasks as specified, at which point the old system is decommissioned.

For questions 6 and 7, nominate the documentation method (A-D) most associated with each documentation characteristic where the methods are:

Documentation Methods

A = Process map

B = Document Flowchart

C = Entity-Relationship Diagram

D = Data-flow diagram

6.    Can be divided into columns (also called swimlanes”) to indicate which organizational unit controls the process at that point.

7.   A method for documenting business processes using easy-to-follow diagrams, and which does not use a formal syntax or many different shapes to convey meaning.

Which program development tool or technique (A, B, C, or D) will best achieve the outcome specified when developing a spreadsheet model?

Tool or technique

A = Modular design

B = Use of range names

C = Conditional Formatting

D = Data validation


8.   A new report sheet can be added without affecting other sheets.

9.   The type of data stored in a cell is known without needing to view the cell.

10. Data and formulas are kept separate.

11. When defining the business requirements for an enterprise-wide resource planning system (hardware and software) for an organisation, which of the statements below describes what should be the most important goal of that process?

(a)  To ensure that the requirements document specifies up-to-date hardware and software; (b)  To ensure that the proposed organisation-wide business system is reliable and efficient;

(c)  To ensure that system functionality is aligned with the business model and the strategy;

(d)  To ensure that business data is both secure and held in as few places as possible.

12. Which item shown in the list below is an assumption made by Excel when performing a net present value calculation using the NPV function?

(a)  The first cash flow always occurs at the start of the first period.

(b)  There is at least one cash inflow and one cash outflow in different periods.

(c)  The discount rate may vary from one period to another.

(d)  Cash flows can vary from one period to another.

13. Which item shown in the list below is a parameter of the NPV function that can be provided to Excel when performing a net present value calculation?

(a)  Each individual period’s cash flow (total of payments and receipts).

(b)  The closing balance (value of the entire stream of cash flows at the end of the last period).

(c)  A binary indicator of whether cash flows occur at the start or end of each period.

(d)  The opening balance (the value of the entire stream of cash flows at the start of the first period) .

The image below shows a small part of a spreadsheet that an analyst has constructed to calculate casual payroll costs for a project.

14. If cell C5 is MOVED (i.e. cut and paste) to cell C6 what formula will be in C6?

(a)  =C$3 * $C4

(b)  =C$4 * $C5

(c)  =D$3 * $D4

(d)  =D$4 * $D5

15. If cell C5 is COPIED to cell C6 what formula will be in C6?

(a)  =C$3 * $C4

(b)  =C$3 * $C5

(c)  =C$4 * $C5

(d)  =D$4 * $D5

16. An alternative and less commonly used formula can also be used to multiply numbers in B3 and B4   together. Which of the formulas below, if entered into Cell B5, would allow the formula to be copied throughout the range B5:F5 with no need for manual adjustments?

(a)  =3:3 * 4:4

(b)  =ROW(3) * ROW(4)

(c)  =PRODUCT($B$3, $B$4)


17. Which control objective (A-E) is most likely to be achieved by separating reconciliation from recording?

(a)  Prevents falsification of sales records

(b)  Prevents collusion between employees

(c)  Prevents fictitious purchases of services from being approved

(d)  Prevents concealment of differences between bank records and business records

18. What type of business model is most likely to operate using the business rules depicted in the diagram below?





Cash Receipt

(a)  A new car vendor that requires a non-refundable deposit when the car is ordered and then a final

payment when the car is delivered.

(b)  A department store that offers an extended instalment payment plan.

(c)  A convenience store that accepts cash and credit card based sales.

(d)  A food retailer that sells on a cash only basis.

19. The 'get' event represents an activity which

(a)  includes a promise to engage in future economic exchanges.

(b)  reduces the organisation's stock of a resource that has economic value.

(c)  increases the organisation's stock of a resource that has economic value.

(d)  increases the organisation's stock of one resource while reducing the stock of another.

20. In which phase of the System Development Life Cycle should internal controls over input, processing and

output be described in detail so that they can be built into the system?

(a)  Identify requirements.

(b)  Prepare detailed design.

(c)   Prepare system specification report.

(d)  Implementation, follow-up and maintenance.