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Fall 2022 CS157C: NoSQL Database Systems Programming Assignment 3


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Fall 2022 CS157C: NoSQL Database Systems

Programming Assignment 3

This assignment is to have hands-on exercises for MongoDB Replica Set and Sharding. You will first deploy and manipulate a replica set in a single server, and then in a cluster of three servers. You will also deploy a sharded cluster of three shards in a single server.

With the use of Docker and the given automation scripts, the need of troubleshooting is expected to be minimal. If there is any, troubleshooting required to finish the given tasks should be considered as part of this assignment.

In a required screenshot, make sure to include the title of the window frame that shows the hostname of your system. This is required to ensure the identity of your screenshot. Required screenshots are interleaved in the assignment description.

Task 1

1. To deploy a replica set of three members in a single server, following this document.

Screen1: Get the screenshots of rs.status() and rs.config() after finishing all the steps described in this document.

2. Populate data in the primary member using the following script.

use test

var bulk = db.test_collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp() ;

people = ["Marc", "Bill", "George", "Eliot", "Matt", "Trey", "Tracy", "Greg", "Steve", "Kristina", "Katie", "Jeff"] ; for(var i=0 ; i<1000000 ; i++) {

user_id = i ;

name = people[Math.floor(Math.random()*people.length)] ;

number = Math.floor(Math.random()*10001) ;

bulk.insert( { "user_id" :user_id, "name" :name, "number" :number }) ;


bulk.execute() ;

Screen2: Read test_collection from PRIMARY. Limit the output to 10.

Screen3: Read test_collection from one of the secondaries. Limit the output to 10.

Task 2

1. To deploy a replica set of three members in a cluster of three servers using given automation scripts.. The scripts automate the replica deployment steps described in this document. Note:

  You should run bootstrap-ubuntu.sh in a terminal of your local laptop, not inside a docker


  Window users: When bootstrap-ubuntu.sh gets to the following part of the script:

docker exec -t mongodb0.example.net /tmp/setup-replication.sh

docker exec -t mongodb0.example.net /tmp/populate-testdata.sh

You may get an error "OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:345: starting            container process caused "no such file or directory": unknown". That is because ^M is attached to every line of the scripts in your window in a way that #/bin/bash is not recognized because of      #/bin/bash^M. In mongodb0.example.net, do the following to remove ^M.

 root@mongodb0:/tmp# tr '\015' '\012' < setup-replication.sh > new

root@mongodb0:/tmp# mv new setup-replication.sh

root@mongodb0:/tmp# chmod 755 setup-replication.sh

Do the same for populate-testdata.sh

Manually run setup-replication.sh and populate-testdata.sh in mongodb0.example.net.

Screen4: Get the screenshots of rs.status() and rs.config() after finishing the steps described in this document.

Screen5: Read test_collection from PRIMARY. Limit the output to 10.

Screen6: Read test_collection from one of the secondaries. Limit the output to 10.

  Make the primary step-down and see which node is elected as a new primary.

Specify the command to make this happen.

Screen7: Get the screenshot of rs.status() before stepping down the primary. Specify the hostname of the primary.

Screen8: Get the screenshot of rs.status() after stepping-down the primary. Specify the hostname of the new primary.

  Stop the Docker container of Primary. You do not need any screenshot. Describe what you

observed in the replica set.

  Stop another Docker container. You do not need any screenshot. Describe what you observed in the

replica set.

Task 3

1. To deploy a sharded cluster in a single server, following this document. You don't have to include screenshots of this process except for the items as required below.

2. Include the results of VI-3, VI-4, and VI-5.

  VI-3: Check the number of documents in shard0000, shard0001, and shard0002. What do you


  VI-4: Insert additional 100000 documents to the sharded cluster and check the total number of

documents in testcollection and the number of documents in each shard.

  VI-5: Include the final shard status after finishing all the steps of the given document.


  Include everything in hw3.pdf and zip it into hw3.zip. Submit hw3.zip through the course web site.     If your file size is bigger than 2MB, the system won't take your submission. Then, do the following:

Create a google doc titled CS157C_HW3_YourID. Include the required descriptions and screenshots by this assignment in this google doc. Be sure to make this google doc available to anyone who has the   link. (There will be a penalty if the document is not accessible through the given link.) The google doc should not be modified after the due date. Write the link in hw3.txt and zip hw3.txt into hw3.zip and submit it through the course web site.