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COMP5216 Mobile Computing Semester 2 - Main, 2022


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Semester 2 - Main, 2022

COMP5216 Mobile Computing

NOTE: In this model exam paper, we have included only 4 questions, just to provide you some preparation. But in your exam, you will have to answer 5 questions. Also, these model exam questions will not appear in your final exam.

Question 1

1.1 List an advantage of using Network Location instead of GPS location and provide an example use case for the given advantage. [4 marks]

1.2 Many users have regular device charging patterns that can be easily captured with modern machine learning capabilities. If your app is able to predict the     next charging time, explain two strategies that use this knowledge to reduce  the energy consumption of your app. [4 marks]

1.3 Explain a technique that can be used to implement the following functionalities in an Android app. If the proposed technique involves collecting data from a    sensor or leveraging an API, those should be explicitly specified.

1.3.1 Dim the screen when a user put the phone inside a pocket or a handbag. [2 marks]

1.3.2 Count the number steps a person has climbed during the day. [2 marks]

Question 2

You have been asked to design an app that collects Motion Sensor and Body      Sensor data from a smartphone and upload to a cloud service for fitness              analytics. The app should start automatically across reboots or any user actions. Data is collected in a sample rate of few seconds. Note: This is a design question only. You dont have to write code for this.

2.1 Describe technical approach that you plan to follow including the basic        components of Android you need to develop this app (You may use a block diagram to explain your design). [6 marks]

2.2 If the data upload process is not real time, describe two methods you can use to reduce resource usage (e.g. bandwidth and energy). [4 marks]

2.3 If the data upload requirement is real time describe, describe two methods you can use to reduce resource usage (e.g. bandwidth and energy) ? [4 marks]

Question 3

Design an Android mobile app that records the distance travelled by the user     throughout the day and display it to the user whenever the user invokes the app with historical statistics. Note: This is a design question only. You don’t have to write code for this.

3.1 Describe two methods of obtaining the distance travelled by the user and   explain why one method will not be sufficient to record distance throughout the day. [6 marks]

3.2 Propose an energy efficient algorithm to collaboratively utilize the above two methods of distance calculation. (Note: Specify if you have made any                 assumptions on the default settings of the smartphone). [6 marks]

3.3 Name the android permissions required for the functionality of the app. [2 marks]

Question 4

You started a new company to sell small electronic items online. Smartphones   can be used in numerous ways to enhance the efficiency of every business.       Design an innovative mobile app to improve your productivity of your new           business. Note: Innovation, feasibility, and usability will be taken into account for marking.

4.1 Briefly explain the primary goal of your app. [2 marks]

4.2 Justify the innovation of your solution (competitive advantage) [6 marks]

4.3 Explain the functionality of your app (how your mobile app works) with storyboards or a block diagram. [8 marks]

4.4 Explain your technical approach in developing the above proposed app as an Android mobile app. [8 marks]

Additional questions you can try.

Due to recent COVID-19 pandemic, many industries moved to working from          home arrangements. This has introduced challenges in terms of providing secure remote access and also monitoring remote workers. Many companies have opted using VPN (virtual private network) solutions to let employees access company    resources remotely. However,  verifying the person behind the remote computer   connected to the VPN is still a challenge. In fact, the company information is more vulnerable when remote computers are connected via VPNs. For example, family members of the employee may accidently access company information as many  households share computers. In some cases, work can be outsourced without the knowledge of the company.

You have been asked to develop a mobile app that can monitor remote workers. In particular, making sure that the person behind the computer is really the         employee of the company.

4.1 Describe a strategy that you plan to develop to continuously monitor           (authenticate) the employee during the work hours. The answer should contain steps that the employee should follow (e.g. workflow of the app). Note: The      proposed strategy should be non-invasive or should be minimally interfere with the work. [8 marks]

4.2 Explain two strategies or mechanisms that you can develop to ensure user/employee privacy in developing this particular app? [4 marks]

4.3 Explain a strategy that you can develop to minimise energy consumption of   the proposed app. Note: The strategy should address one of the most power       consuming actions of the proposed app and the answer should be clearly liked to the proposed app. [4 marks]

4.4 Explain an application specific risks or threats for the success of your solution. Provide a mitigation strategy for the identified risk or threat. [4 marks]