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Ec 565 Fall 2022 ASSIGNMENT 7


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Ec 565

Fall 2022


(due Tuesday, November 15, noon)

1. Exercise

Assume here is a government (e.g. England) that has a public debt in annuities at 3% and 4%.

1. Assume that the 3% annuities are perpetual with a price of 90. What is the long-term interest rate?

2. Assume that the 3% is perpetual and that the 4% is redeemable at par. The price of the 3% is 100 and it is expected to stay at that level. The government announces that it will redeem all the 4%, at par, 5 years from now. Determine the price of the 4% annuity just after the announcement. You will assume that people expect the policy of the government to be implemented for sure. (The redemption will  be financed by issuing annuities at 3%, but that financing is irrelevant for the answer to the question). You need a calculator or a spreadsheet program to answer the question. Explain carefully your computation.

2. Questions

1. Explain the difference between an interest reduction on redeemable debt and an interest reduction on non-redeemable debt.

2. Read these pages from the book by Dickson on the Financial Revolution in 18th century England. Focus on pages 235 and 236. What is evaluation of Dickson about the success of the interest reduction? Read pages 573-375 in "Interest Reductions..." (and other material that you may need for an understanding).  Using the figure 5, discuss whether the market agreed with Dickson’s evaluation.